When the clock struck midnight on 12.31.19, I felt strongly 2020 would be an amazing year. I never imagined that we would experience the world shutting down the world due to Covid-19. That was just the beginning of the awakening.

2020 represents perfect vision. Everything that has happened since March 2020 was divinely guided by the divine to awaken us all. We as a society were shook up by lockdowns, restrictions, mandates, and social distancing. The world as we once knew it was turned upside down. It was all done to get our attention.

Now I had to ask myself as I am sure you are asking yourself now, why would the divine/God/whomever you resonate with in terms of religion/worship do this? The answer is simple: it is a tower moment that realigns our lives.

We were shown what and who no longer resonates in our lives. We were shown the patterns, thoughts, beliefs that were expired. We were shown there was a new way to go about life and to go within to appreciate what truly matters most. We were shown to awaken and rise like the Phoenix or the butterfly emerging from the cocoon.

I experienced multiple tower moments and 1 of 2 spiritual awakenings. My first tower moment was having the rug pulled out from under me with work. I had grown up with the programming that I must have the corporate job My full time job of 15 years went from 40 hours a week to about 12 hours in less than a week of shutdown in California on 3/17/20. I had to apply for unemployment to get the surplus of the hours my job could not pay me. I was scared because I had never experienced something like this. I spent 2 months at home working on myself and purging. I finally had time to do home projects and really focus on my side hustle - Butterfly Intuition. By the end of May I had a spiritual awakening, I felt amazing and ready to go back to living my life and take on the world.

During the George Floyd riots I had my 2nd spiritual awakening. For 2 weeks I had massive downloads from multiple timelines on what could happen. I would be fine during the day but once it got closer to going to sleep that is when the downloads would come in. I also had a major healing in my twin flame connection that helped me release the past. The riots taught me a valuable watching how people acted that it is important to stay in my light and spread love.

I sit here on 11/29/20 in a much better head space than I was back in March. I understand why things had to happen. Everything happened FOR ME not to me. I am awakened to the point that I see and feel everything through my third eye.

I was able to detach from a lot of things: toxic people, the thought you had to have the corporate job of 40+ hours to earn a living, reality TV, mainstream media, twitter, the past in my twin flame connection, and I recently deactivated my personal Facebook because of low vibrations and negativity.

I look forward to the magic that 2021 will bring. Hope you are too. Love and light Xtina

If you are reading to start a new beginning for 2021 and would like guidance on how to manifest new beginnings? I am offering a special reading until 12.31.20. It is a 1 hour guidance reading for $40.00 USD.

Please click on the link below to view the details and purchase in my Etsy Shop:



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