Purging: Why it's necessary for starting a new beginning
Anytime you start working on yourself and want to make to changes in your life, you will go through a phase where you will purge. You will purge anything or anyone that needs to be released and no longer serves a purpose in your life.
The reason this occurs is to help you make you room for the new that you are wanting to bring into your life. In order for the new to come in, the old must be released. Look at purging energy, people, situations, thoughts, beliefs, & patterns the same as when you buy new clothes, furniture, or a car. When you purchase new clothes, furniture, or a car, you tend to get rid of the old by selling or donating.
Same goes when you start a new year by affirming “New year, New me.” You put out into the universe you want to purge the old and let in the new. You are vibing for a new beginning, a fresh new start by writing a new chapter. I’m being shown someone who is recently divorced. A recently divorced person will start a brand new life to reinvent themself and call in new love. They work on healing from the pain of the divorce so they are able to call in a new love partner.
Purging is freeing because you release what you need to let go of. It helps you close cycles and chapters in your life. You start to see past situations in a new light. You see your part in it and what it overall is teaching you. You learn to truly forgive yourself and anyone who has hurt you. You start to see what is important and what needs to stay in your life. Sometimes you need to find out what you don’t want in order to find what you do want.
Purging helps you put yourself first. It helps you release people pleasing energy and identifying those who are not authentic to your journey. Those you are not authentic to your journey are just there for the ride. What they can get out of you and what it’s in it for them. Energy vampires is what they are commonly called. You learn to trust your intuition when it comes to people and you find out who you can be around that makes you feel good. You go within to determine what is causing them to make you feel bad or depleted. You then make the decision to either keep them in your life or limit your interaction with them. It will be different for each person.
As you embark on your journey of self love and healing, you will get into the energy that a purge is needed in your personal circle: love partners, family, friends, and co-workers. You start to not resonate with people and detach so their journey does not affect yours. If you have a friend who always has drama or is reckless with how they live their life, you will either feel guided to help them or feel guided to not say anything. Sometimes silence is golden and it keeps you in your lane.
Whatever you are going through, stay in your lane and stay true to your path. Align with what your intuition and spirit team is telling you. You will purge what is needed to be let go so you can start having this new beginning manifest into your life.
Photo By: https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/