2022: Preparing For A New Year & How To Make The Most of It
As we get ready to closeout another year, I have been reflecting on what a wild ride 2021 has been. In some instances, 2021 was a continuation of 2020. There were hard felt lessons we all needed to learn and experiences that needed to happen. The last 2 weeks of 2021 are going to be a crazy energy that is going to help a lot of us release burdens that no longer serve our day to day lives. This blog post serves as a guide to help to decipher what energy you may be feeling and how you can make the most of 2022.
Releasing burdens is not an easy thing to do. It can be down right painful. Especially if these burdens have been suppressed emotions that have been buried for some time now. If you have not been feeling well or just feel blah, honor what you are feeling but journaling or simply asking yourself what do you need to know in this now moment. Whatever we are not supposed to bring with us in 2022, is going to fade away. When you resist it or do not understand, you will cause pain or sickness. Sometimes our bodies will bring this pain or sickness to us in order to wake us up to what we need to change. (Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor so please go to a doctor if you have not been feeling well. Trust what your body tells you. )
Burdens can sit on your shoulders and/or in the solar plexus chakra. Burdens are old energy, feelings, and even relationships that no longer serve you. If you are dreaming about people from the past who are no longer in your life, that is a sign that you are letting go of the past once and for all. You are releasing who and what no longer serves you. That is a great thing because that means you are about to let the new come in. If you have been feeling for sometime, than you know intuitively that something new is about to start. Honor what your body is trying to communicate to you.
Your chakras can help bring you messages on what is coming or what you need change. Overall chakra balancing and upgrades are happening at a rapid rate. I know I have been experiencing this for the past week. I finally felt called to write this blog along with other blogs and posts today to bring forth messages to the collective. The energy for the entire month of December has been wonky but I now understand now it is because upgrades are happening to those who are ready. Below are tips to help with the chakras.
Crown Chakra (located at the top of the head): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you may feel tingling on the top of your head. I am being shown Aura Quartz as the crystal to use but please use any crystal that you have and are drawn to use. Your crown is the gateway to messages that come through from your higher self and spirit team. To have this chakra open, you must be open to the messages that want to come in. Always ready to hear what you need to hear not what you want to hear.
Third Eye Chakra (located on the forehead - right between the eyebrows): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you may feel pressure or have a slight headache. Your third eye is the key to your intuition. When your third eye is open, you are more prone to listening to your intuition. When it is off, you will tend to listen to your ego and allow your fears to take over your thoughts. I am being shown Amethyst for the third eye. Amethyst is #1 crystal for the third eye because it helps heighten the intuition but always use the crystal that you have and are drawn to use. Your intuition helps with your ability to manifest what it is that you desire. When you third eye is upgrading, you may see 11:11. That number sequence is reminding you to pay attention to your thoughts and to only focus on what you want. Your third eye helps you to listen to your intuition, to trust your instincts, and the overall process life has for you.
Throat Chakra (located in the middle of the throat): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you may get a soft tickle in your throat or you may find yourself speaking your truth. When your throat chakra is open, you will have no issue speaking your mind to yourself and others. I am being shown Lapis Lazuli as the crystal to use for this chakra but please always use any crystal that you have or are drawn to use. Speaking your truth will keep being honest and avoid being in relationships or situations that you don’t want to be in. When you communicate openly and honestly to yourself & others, then you will avoid being stuck in people pleasing energy where you may put yourself last.
Heart Chakra (located in the middle of the chest): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you will get an activation to heal past heartbreak and let the past go once and for all. This is especially crucial if you have a tendency to hold on to the past or pine after someone who hurt you a long time ago. When you allow this pain to go, you open the door to healing and bringing in the self love. Bringing in the self love helps your heart chakra activate to have unconditional love in & out of you. I am being shown Rose Quartz for this chakra. Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal for love but of course use any crystal that you have or are drawn to.
Solar Plexus Chakra (located right underneath the heart chakra - above the belly button): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you will feel it in your stomach. You will have suppressed emotions of sadness, anger, hurt, and heartbreak come up to the surface. This helps activate your shadow side to bring in healing. We all have a dark and light side. We are have things we need to heal from and we all have good days & bad days. The solar plexus chakra is the middle chakra so when it is off, it can cause the top or bottom chakras to go off balance. I am being shown Citrine to use but please use any crystal that you have or are drawn to use.
Sacral Chakra (located below the belly button): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you will feel in this area. The sacral chakra is the sexual energy and fertility. This chakra will get activated with divine love counterparts or when you need to express love to yourself. I am bein g shown Golden Calcite to use but please use any crystal that you have or are drawn to use. The sacral chakra activation is designed to help you open the fertility waves to bring in new beginnings and solid relationships.
Root Chakra (located at the base of the spine): When this chakra upgrades/balances, you will feel the need to balance and ground yourself & energy. Making sure your feet are planted firmly on the ground to help you gain the confidence to move forward. Your root chakra is the bottom chakra and can affect all of the chakras above it. You want to make sure you are moving forward in life and when you come to an obstacle, identify it by asking yourself what it is showing you. I am being shown garnet but please use any crystal that you have or any crystal that you are drawn to use.
Balancing of, upgrades of, and activations of the chakras are one way. If you don’t resonate with the chakras or are not sure, you can research the chakras or find methods that less 5D based and more 3D based. Below are 3D methods how you can prepare for the new year.
Do a life review of 2021. Think about every single thing that happened during 2021 - good and bad. Think about what went right and what went wrong. Ask yourself where do you want to go in the new year. A life review will open the door to setting yearly goals. Setting yearly goals can be written down on paper or put on a vision board. The best thing about them is you can go back anytime and change them up. Starting a manifestation jar or box is a great way to get this started.
It’s all in your perspective on what you want to accomplish and what you think is possible. A positive mindset and endless possibilities is the gateway to manifestation and new beginnings. Are you ready for new beginnings?
I do hope this blog post has brought you the clarity and guidance on how to get ready for the new year.
I will be opening up my bookings for readings and sessions a day early on 12.31.21. Look for that announcement soon.
Have a beautiful day! Love & light, Xtina