January 2021: Moving Forward

As you turn the page into a new year, you may find yourself reflecting back on some energy or feelings that have come up to the surface on our around the Full Moon In Cancer that happened on 12/30/20.

Whatever is coming up to the surface is showing you what needs to be healed. You must feel whatever is coming up to the surface to be released so it does not stay with you throughout 2021.

You are being shown what must be released - which is the ego. Ego has clouded your judgement and has influenced who and what you listen to. Ego makes you believe fear, doubt, and overthinking a situation to the point you may begin obsessive thinking believing a narrative that is not true/based on 0 facts.

It’s time to align with your intuition. Your intuition is what is needed for you to see and understand all that 2020 showed you in your life and the world.

A tower moment is about to take place so everything can align and fall into place. Things may be difficult for you and those around you to understand but all be revealed so clarity is given to all.

Your monthly card pulls come from the Crystal Visions Tarot. I saw The Tower card in my third eye and pulled additional cards (Queen of Swords, Three of Pentacles, Page of Cups, and Five of Cups) to bring forth your monthly message on moving forward:

This tower moment is going to bring forth a shift and transformation. Lots of things have been happening behind the scenes in preparation to the big reveal. The focus has been on the lack and loss that many of us have lost sight on what is still here.

Love is here. Hope is here. A new beginning is here. You are here. I am here. An awakening is here.

Wishing you a magical January. Love and light

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