
Hello Beautiful Soul 🦋

I am Christina Marie, the one woman show behind Butterfly Intuition. I was born & raised in New Jersey. I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone. I felt like a caged bird and knew I needed to spread my wings and fly. I didn’t know how or why but what was meant for me is not in New Jersey. I knew if I lived my life there I would never find my purpose in life.

The song Wide Open Spaces by The Dixie Chicks (now known as The Chicks) was on repeat play. This song inspired me to make the decision to move to Southern California after visiting my mother, who had moved there the year before.

I planned my move a year in advance and it all came together. 2 months before my 24th birthday I flew from my small town in New Jersey to o beautiful Southern California. I knew what I was meant to do and who I am meant to be with was out west. It was a big change moving from the hustle & bustle of the east coast to the laid back mentality of the west coast. It took me 6 months to adjust but I made a life. I had a full time job and started making friends at the local blues club I sang karaoke at. The people that came into my life from 2001-2018 were divinely guided to come into my life to teach my lessons. My psychic and intuitive gifts went dormant due to the decisions that I made during these years of lessons.

After my last failed relationship in 2017, I decided to take a break from dating to work on myself. On the first date I received my first download that specifically told me he was not the guy for me. I ignored vowing t o give him a try. My body rejected his energy and I finally made the decision to end it. I had to work on me.

A year later my twin flame walked into my life. I was not expecting him to come into my life and boy did he shake it up. What I did not realize at the time was how closed off my heart chakra was to love relationships. I didn’t realize this until after I had healed myself 5 years later. I spent so much time living in the 5D trying to manifest twin flame union in the 3D. I didn’t get it until I healed myself. We are in full separation now because he has chosen to be with someone else. I could not be more happier for him (and for me) because our past has been healed and released. I wish him nothing but the best. I can move on happily now and call in new love.

My twin flame and the twin flame journey have opened my heart. I found myself through the twin flame journey. I found my purpose and my psychic gifts reawakened. The twin flame journey was my saving grace and showed me unconditional love. Twin Flames get a bad rap but I share the message of the positive influence it can have on a person.

I learned how to connect to my inner child and heal her. Through my inner child I healed the biggest obstacle - the evil of alcohol. I realized that I drank to numb myself and to forget. I don’t drink to get drunk anymore…just to be social but only when I feel like it. Through this healing I found happiness and comfort being at home. The bar scene is not for me and is no longer the place I look to meet men.

My mission in life has always been to help people. I have always been drawn to jobs in customer service. I began my Butterfly Intuition business in 2019 and use my life lessons as stepping stones to teach people how they can heal themselves.

You see I am so much more than a card reader. I am psychic medium, empathic, intuitive, clairsentient, clairvoyant, claircognizant, and clairaudient. I use tarot & oracle cards as a divination tool but don’t need to always pull a card to channel a message. The messages just come in. I learned reiki to help bring in a new way of chakra healing with my enchanted butterfly reiki.

I truly want to help people and not just take their money. I want people to walk away from my sessions with clarity and guidance for their life or situation. I want to inspire people to find the power within to heal & change their life. I did it…and so can YOU!!!

Many Blessings to you. Christina Marie