Uncovering Which Type of Love Relationship Speaks To Your Soul
When it comes to love, we call in vibrationally with our energy the type of love relationship that we would like to bring in. We call in what we put our focus and attention on thought wise - whether it is negative or positive. I am going to be diving deep to help you understand how your perspective on yourself, love partners/interests, and love itself.
Last year I binge watched the Netflix movie series 365 Days……..
Disclaimer: Netflix or the 365 Days movie franchise along with all crew & actors have nothing to do with this blog post. The plot of the show is used in this blog as a visual aid/tool on how a distorted masculine became a divine masculine and how you should allow someone the free will to decide to be with you. This blog post may contain spoilers so if you have are planning to or get triggered by spoilers, please do not read any further - you have been divinely warned.😉
Ok, as I was saying….I binged watched the movies and received so many downloads while watching each one. To make a long story short: Massimo becomes obsessed with Laura when he sees her. He tracks her down and tells her she must live with him for 365 days to see if she will fall in love with him. If after 365 days, she is not in love with him, she is free to leave. She eventually falls in love with him and they get married. She then has an affair and is faced with a choice on who does she want to be with.
Let’s dive deep into the red flags and the downloads I received on each one.
🚩Red Flag #1: Massimo is a distorted masculine who uses his mafia pull & power to make Laura his prisoner to try to buy her love. He does not trust the process or even trust in love. When you are someone in his position, you can get anyone and everything you want - no questions asked. For Massimo, he was looking for true love but was going about it the wrong way.
🚩Red Flag #2: Laura was in a relationship with another man when Massimo abducted her. She was not happy in the relationship, which makes her a distorted feminine. Like attracts like. She really did not fight to escape and embraced the lavish lifestyle Massimo was giving her to buy her love pretty quickly. She was looking outside of herself to fulfill her cup of love.
🚩Red Flag #3: Laura flees from Massimo after she believes he is having an affair. She runs off with a man she barely knows called Nacho who takes her to his family’s home. (Are you seeing the pattern with Laura yet?) They have an affair and she finds out the truth about Massimo.
🚩Red Flag #4: After much drama, Laura is back home with Massimo but can’t stop thinking about Nacho. She runs off again to decide who she wants. She finally returns home to Massimo and he tells her he learned what “if you love something set it free and if it returns home it is meant to be.” This shows growth on him and how his past actions did not show if she would have stayed on her own free will if he did not force her hand. He surrendered and became divine. Of course they never revealed whom she picked (the books do) to confirm if she is divine or still distorted. My guess would be she is still distorted because I did not get the vibe that she healed the wounds within herself. These wounds made her look outside of herself for love. Laura needed to find self love to be able to call in true love. Whether she did or did not, we will never know unless they decide to make another movie.
These movies really made me understand why it is important to never try to force someone to do anything they don’t want to. This really made me go within to uncover what type of love relationship speaks to my soul. I had to go back to the beginning of my dating life. I discovered some things that I had blocked and saw how the relationship that I had with my father did contribute to the views I had in love. I would never want to be with anyone who did not want to be with me. Through healing abandonment and inner child wounds I faced my fears to release them. I found union within myself which helped me see the love I have for myself is all that I need. I don’t need to look outside of myself for this.
This had made me a happy & single divine feminine. Even though I am in twin flame separation, I don’t see myself in a relationship with my twin flame because I am more 3D oriented now and he is not in my life presently. If he were to come back and we both chose one another, than yes. Until that actually happens I will remain single & free until I make the free will choice to be with someone.
Being spiritually awakened and seeing patterns in everything that I see shows me that we as humans can be influenced to follow a pattern. We learn from our parents and take that with us in our adult life. When we watch tv shows or movies, they tell us a story that could end influencing someone to believe it. It can be very hard for me to watch certain tv shows or movies because I see the message that they are trying to sell and it repels me when it does not resonate. Reality TV is becoming impossible to watch. I’ll do a separate blog on that.
For you to discover which type of relationship speaks to your soul comes down to your views and beliefs in love. I want you to a take a moment to get centered and clear your mind. Pull out a journal or notebook to write down the questions below and write down the answers when you are ready to. No pressure. You may not have the answers right now but they will come to you.
How is your overall view when it comes to love?
Are you open to receiving love?
Do you practice self love and work on the heart chakra? (If the answer is no, reach out to me).
What type of love relationships and partners do you attract?
Are you happy with them?
What could you change about the partner & relationship you attract?
What would your perfect relationship look and feel like?
Being completely honest with yourself on your love life (the good, the bad, and the ugly) will help you gain a better sense of what you need to change or heal within you. You learn to embody self love, break patterns, set boundaries, and know when to walk away. Choosing yourself becomes a lot easier. It will take time but you will get there. It took me almost 3 years to get here but I had a lot of healing to do. Once I embraced it, it was like a magic eraser to release.
The key to learning and healing is to take your time. Do it at your pace. There is no such thing as time in the spiritual world. Divine timing is at play with your healing.
Until next time….sending you much love & light 🦋💜 Xtina Marie