Reiki: Understanding What It is & How It Can Help You
Disclaimer on Reiki: Reiki should never be substituted for medical treatment as Reiki Masters are not medical professionals. Reiki is a tool to help balance your energy and remove blocks to help you on your soul journey. Reiki helps with healing energy but should not be replaced as medicine for a medical condition. One should always seek a medical professional. Listen to your body.
As I began my spiritual awakening and opened the door to my psychic & intuitive gifts, I found myself constantly being drawn to reiki. I remembered I had purchased a book from Krista Mitchell called Crystal Reiki. This book found me when I began my love for crystals. I found myself reading this book again and boy did it click. I found why I was so drawn to crystals. I also felt the urge to add reiki to my services because I was constantly having the 7 major chakras come through in my readings for clients and collective. I finally took the plunge and signed up for an online class to become a reiki master. I passed the class with flying colors and it came so natural to me. In this blog, I am doing to dive deep into what Reiki is, what it’s purpose is, and how it can help you.
Reiki is a form of hands on healing with it’s origin in India & The East dating back many thousands of years to the time before Christ and Buddha. Reiki is a form of holistic healing. It works on the mind, body, & spirit by stimulating your own natural healing abilities that have blocked emotional & physical elements that lead to sickness/illness/disease.
When I made the decision to learn about Reiki and become a master, my intention is to use reiki as a tool to help those guided to me unlock & unblock what keeps them from healing. I use crystals and meditation music to during a reiki session. I use reiki as a tool to help you open the door to your healing and understand what your blocks are so they can be removed. Whenever you resist something, it will eventually form as physical block somewhere in your body. The 10 things that will weaken your life energy are too much alcohol, poor diet, lack of exercise, drugs, tobacco, negative habits, stress, poor breathing, lack of sleep or rest, and negative psychic activity. Using reiki in your daily day to day routine can help you strengthen your life energy and start eliminating one or more of these 10 things.
Reiki helps balance your chakras. Balancing your chakras and opening them keep the aligned to your energy strengthening the communication tunnel between yourself & your higher self, intuition, spirit team, and universe.
Below are the 7 major chakras along with the 5 spirit chakras:
Crown Chakra (located at the top of the head): This chakra is about divine wisdom. This chakra helps bring in the mesages and download from the universe, spirit, your spirit team & angels, and your higher self. Color of this chakra is purple, violet, or clear.
Third Eye Chakra (located in the forehead/between in the eyes): This chakra is about psychic awakening. Being connected to this chakra means you are connected to your intuition. Allowing your heart & soul to guide you through life. Color of this chakra is purple.
Throat Chakra (located in the throat where the vocal cords are): This chakra is about communication & being receptive. Speaking your truth is the main focus of this chakra. When you can speak your truth to yourself and others, you unleash the fears of hiding in the shadows or feeling silenced. Color of this chakra is blue.
Heart Chakra (located in the heart/center of chest): This chakra is about love and tenderness. Having a healed heart chakra that is open and balanced opens the door to be receptive to letting love in. You also find unconditional love with yourself and embody the self love energy. This helps you call in a divine love counterpart. Color of this chakra is green.
Solar Plexus Chakra (located in the stomach/belly area): This chakra is the solar power because it is the middle chakra. This chakra is the most important chakra because when it is blocked or closed, it affects the top and bottom chakras. This chakra is where we hold our emotions and store them. It’s where emotions go when we say we bury our feelings and hold on to events of the past that slowly tug away at us. The way you can balance this chakra is by allowing buried feelings to come up to the surface, process them by feeling them, understanding them, and releasing them. Color of this chakra is yellow
Sacral Chakra (located below the belly button): This chakra is about trusting & surrendering to your path. Unleashing creativity and getting intimate with yourself about you want out of life. Finding your life purpos and sticking to that path. This chakra is also linked to the reproductive organs and that signifies birth & transformation. Color of this chakra is orange.
Root Chakra (located at the base of the spine): This chakra is about putting down some roots and being in the energy of grounding & stability. This chakra advises you to let go and to let in what feels right. Keeping your feet firmly on the ground will help you move forward without fear. Color of this chakra is red.
There are 5 chakras that are called The Higher Chakras aka Spirit Chakras. They are located above the 7 major chakras. Please see below for more information on them:
Earth Chakra (located at the base of the feet): 8th chakra. Helps with grounding and keeping your feet on the ground. Color of this chakra is brown.
Lunar Chakra (located just above the crown chakra): 9th chakra. Helps with aligning to the energies of the moon - all phases. Also helps you connect to spirit and your guides. Color of this chakra is silver or white.
Solar Chakra (located above the lunar): 10th chakra. Helps with masculine energy and helps you gain the ability to live your most authentic life. Color for this chakra is gold.
Galatic Chakra (located above the solar chakra): 11th chakra. It helps you with your ability to transcend space and time and allows you to access the Akashic Records to gain a better understanding on your path and what you came here to do. Twin Flames will find this chakra helpful understanding the twin flame journey. Color of this chakra is a mixture of gold, violet, and silver.
Universal Chakra (located above the galatic chakra): 12th chakra. Helps you with reaching enlightenment and communicating with the divine. This chakra can help you connect to your spirit team. Color of this chakra is multi color. I envison it as a ball of rainbow.
If you are intrigued about Reiki after reading this blog, do more research or you can book a Chakra Balancing Reiki Session (distance) with me. I offer 30 minute or 1 hour sessions. I also offer a Reiki Love Healing Program. Go to my website for more information and to book.
Have a beautiful day night or afternoon! Xtina ✨🦋🔮