The Lesson Series Part 2 | Triggers On Twin Flame Journey

Twin flames will experience triggers along their journey. These triggers are meant to show them what work needs to be done. The biggest misconception is that the twin flame journey is all about coming into union with your counterpart. That is part of it but it’s mostly about coming into union with yourself. That is why not everyone is a twin flame. Twin Flames have a lot of work that must be done. Their counterpart shows them what needs to be worked on. Not all twin flames will reunite in this lifetime because if one twin never awakens then union will not happen. There is no way to guarantee union for all twin flame connections because they both must make the free will decision to do their work and come together in union with self and counterpart.

In this blog post I will go over why these triggers come up and what they are showing you so you can understand what needs to be worked on.

Codependency on Twin Flame Counterpart and/or Connection:

When you are too focused on your your counterpart and the connection, you will have thoughts trigger you. Examples of these thoughts would be: what are they doing, are they with someone, when will they come back, why are they not with me, will they ever reach out, why did they choose someone else over me, and I am nothing without them in my life. These types of triggers of codependency show you what needs to be cleared/released so you can become independent with yourself as well as thinking. They teach you to let go of all attachments, expectations, and timelines. They teach to accept your situation with your twin flame for what it is and allow things to unfold naturally in divine timing. They teach you to stop trying force something to happen when it’s not time or your twin flame is not ready. You never want your twin flame to return before they are ready because they will not stay and the pattern repeats. You have to be okay on your own doing your work, aligning with your life purpose, and coming into union with yourself. Being in union with yourself means you no longer are in this codependent energy because you now trust the process, trust in divine timing, and have faith in listening to your intuition. You trust that if you and your twin flame are meant to come together in this lifetime, you will. If not then you know a soulmate or soulflame will come in.

Being Faithless:

Lack of faith comes from the ego mind. Your ego mind will bring in fear based thoughts that make you doubt the connection. You doubt this connection will ever come around. You lose faith. You don’t trust. You get frustrated. You want to give up. You then allow your ego mind to tell you a narrative based on zero facts that takes you down a rabbit hole of obsessive thinking. I have a blog post and YouTube video on Obsessive Thinking. {If you suffer from this, read the blog or listen to the video for guidance. Video link is below this paragraph.} Telling your ego mind “thank you for sharing but I don’t believe that to be true” will help you mute the ego mind so you are able to switch the thought to something more positive and tune into your intuition.

Karma Clearing | Past & Present:

When you meet your tiwin flame, you come together and then separate. This is to clear karmic patterns that you both have and any karma in your connection that has carried over from a past life. You both are shown what no longer resonates in your 3D lives (people, situations, beliefs, patterns, thoughts, and processes). These can go back as far as your childhood. The Divine Feminine awakens first and learns her lessons. She begins to align with her true purpose and will learn karmic lessons that help her detach from her Divine Masculine. The Divine Masculine awakens next and he goes through a similar process. There is no time frame or guarantee that both counterparts will awaken fully. They both have the free will to make the decision to work on their karmic lessons and work. If they choose not to awaken and do the work, the karmic patterns and tower moments will continue.

Whenever a trigger comes up it is meant to show you what you need to work on. It is never meant to to make you feel bad. It is intended to show you what needs to be worked on. As a reader I do channel messages in personal and general guidance readings that can cause a trigger in someone. I am just being guided to tell you what spirit wants you to know. We all must do the work - myself included. I love getting triggers because that means there is something I must work on and it allows me to help others with my gifts and knowledge.

If you would like to work with me on what needs to be healed in your Twin Flame connection, you can book one of my healing readings for twin flames:

Twin Flame Healing Intuition Guidance Session:

Twin Flame Union With Self Guidance Session:

Divine Feminine Intuition Guidance Session:

Divine Masculine Intuition Guidance Session:

All guidance sessions listed above are 30 minute zoom video calls

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