Soul Searching
The theme for 2021 so far is soul searching. Each one of us has been guided to go within. By going within many things are being illuminated to us. We are having realizations about people and situations. We are seeing things clearly for the first time in our lives.
We are not only seeing through our human eyes but with our third eye too. All is making sense now that the awakening is here. There is no turning back. There is only moving forward and staying focused on the present moment.
By staying focused on the present moment, we create our future. Creating our future begins with a thought and manifests into our reality.
As you soul search, pay attention to your thoughts, what you put your focus on, how you view life {positive or negative}, how you view yourself, how you speak to yourself/others, and if you believe you are deserving of what you desire.
If any of the above are in a state of lack, non-believing, faithless, and in fear, that stems from your ego. Your soul is searching for the truth but you must align with your intuition to get it.
Ego Definition: Ego is the loud voice within you that brings fear, doubt, overthinking, and obsessive thinking about a situation or a person. It tells you you are crazy and it will not happen. Ego brings intense feelings and emotions and can cause you to get emotionally unstable if you believe the narrative your ego tells. That narrative is usually based on 0 facts. Ego can keep you stuck if you allow it too.
Intuition Definition: Intuition is that soft small voice within you that tells you something about a situation or person. It’s your first impression, thought, gut instinct, and comes with no emotions attached to it. Your intuition is tied into your third eye chakra. If you feel your third eye is blocked or imbalanced, you can do meditations or guided meditations to help open and balance it. You can find third eye chakra meditations and guided mediations on YouTube or Spotify. Amethyst is a good crystal to use for intuition or any crystal that you feel guided to use.
Find your true meaning and purpose. Go within and it will be there under a spotlight.