The Divine Feminine Journey: Becoming The Empress
A divine feminine is an energy that I channel. I channel the divine feminine as she or her but a divine feminine can be a man or a woman. Everyone has both divine feminine and divine masculine energy. Always take it as it applies to yourself and your journey.
The divine feminine will go through many spiritual awakenings throughout her/his life. These awakenings occur to help bring forth lessons, guidance, and shifts. They are designed to help you move forward on your journey to align to your life purpose and true path. In this blog we will explore the journey of the divine feminine.
The journey of the divine feminine shifts significantly when she meets the divine masculine. She goes through a major transformation when the divine masculine enters her life. This transformation will happen quickly or slowly. It will be different for everyone as everyone’s individual journey is unique in its own way. This transformation is designed to awaken the divine feminine to all areas of her life that may need changing or reevaluation: love, career, life purpose, family and life.
All areas of life are awakened to what healing needs to occur in each specific area. Now the healing will not be easy. It will be a long process and will have many layers like an onion has. It will be difficult at first because she will believe her journey is all about her masculine and them coming into union . She will put him and their union ahead of herself and that can form attachments and expectations. Once she understands that the journey is about her, she will then begin to shift the focus from masculine & union to herself. That is when she will have the breakthrough.
One of the things she is faced with is her shadow side. Her shadow side mirrors to her what healing needs to happen. This healing can be anything from the past life karma, childhood wounds, trauma, fear, doubt, low self esteem, and self imprisonment. She will receive signs and synchronicities to work on herself but it will be up to each DF to make that free will choice will be made when she is 100% ready to change and close the cycle for good. It won’t be easy but finding the strength will bring in the energy of change and cycle completion.
Below are some tips on what you can ask yourself if you struggle with change and completing a cycle.
Ask yourself how does this person or situation make me feel. Getting honest and real with yourself will help you determine how to release and surrender.
Is what I’m telling myself true? Many times the ego will come in fearful stories based on facts. Determining what is true and what is fear is a game changer. Trust and listen to your intuition.
Am I on the right path? You will just feel the answer. Any resistance or confusion means you may be in fear or that you are not.
Am I showing up everyday for me? This means do you put yourself first and doing what is best for you.
How can I change my life for the better? This is when you have your year and life review to see where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to be in the future.
Do I have what it takes to succeed and make my dreams come true? In other words do you believe anything is possible & in miracles.
How can I start living my life on terms and start a vision board and/or abundance planning.
I do hope this blog brought you clarity and guidance for the divine feminine journey.
If you would like to book a guidance and session with me, pleas click on the link to my Etsy Shop:
Have a beautiful day night or afternoon. Love and light Xtina