Calling In Your Soul Tribe

I received a phone call from an old friend whom I have not seen in many years. This old friend calls me maybe once every couple of years to say hello. When I saw the call come in, I almost didn’t answer it but I heard this voice within me telling me to answer it. So I did. When I answered the phone and we both started to talk to each other, I could immediately tell he had been drinking. I envisioned him going through his phone drunk dialing people to talk to until someone picked up. As we spoke and having to answer the same question 2 times, he actually said to me why do I always call you when I am drunk? I said I don’t know, you tell me. He then told me he had another call coming in from a person whom he dialed before he called me that he left a voicemail for. See - what I envisioned was correct.

The conversation did not last long because I felt there as no need to share what has been going on in my life to someone who went from a dear close friend to a stranger. We were never going to have that friendship again because I am not the person he remembers when we were close. Why should I share things with someone who only calls me because someone else did not pick up the phone? That is not friendship. That is an option.

This conversation made me realize that all of the friendships in my life need a review. I needed to get honest with myself about who I surround myself with and allow to connect with me. We always say that we want a love counterpart that shows up for us and is emotionally available. That brought me to this question:

Shouldn’t we have that feeling with all of our relationships & not just in love?

On my spiritual journey, I want to be aligned to those who match my vibration. The entire time I was on that phone call I didn’t feel good. I knew in that moment it would be our last conversation. I don’t want a friend who only sees me as an option after a few drinks and goes through his contact list until someone answers. I deserve better than that. Calling in my soul tribe is what I am doing. I want to be around people who support me, uplift me, empower me, own their shit, and want to be around me all of the time not when it’s convenient for them. I want to feel good and vibe high around people when I am in their presence and I want them to feel the same around me. No more meaningless friendships and one sided relationships. This rings true for people from the past. Sometimes relationships fizzle out for a reason.

I even had an ex love interest start messaging me. I could read his energy and could tell he was holding back. We were discussing my psychic abilities and he was beating around the bush because there are unspoken words between us. Those words do not need to be spoken because I have moved on. He has not changed and is not a vibrational match for me. I know he longs for a second chance with me but he will never make that free will decision to do so. That is why I let him go a long time ago. He is what I now refer to as my fake twin flame. When we met, I thought he was THE ONE. But he was not THE ONE, just the one who would teach me my most valuable karmic lesson of romantic patterns. That is why when my real twin flame came into my life, I did not ignore the red flags and thus began my spiritual awakening.

Relationships with people are never easy and they take work on both ends. It takes 2 consenting adults to make a relationship work. Setting boundaries with people helps you teach them how to treat you and vice versa. All of your relationships should be about love, light, healing, high vibration, and positivity. If they are not, then you will find yourself asking yourself why? Maybe not right now, but eventually you will.

When you are ready to ask yourself why, you may find yourself asking yourself these questions?

Why do I not feel good around this person?

What do they do to annoy/upset/irritate/aggravate/drain me?

What is this person’s actions and words (or lack of in some cases) showing me?

How I can change this relationship for the better or would it be better to simply let it go?

Remember, you want to surround yourself with your soul tribe. Calling in a sisterhood, brotherhood of like minded souls. Like does attract like. You want to be around people who want to be around you. Who never judge you and love you just the way you are. Like the song by Billy Joel goes, “Don’t go changing…”

The tools below can help you call in your soul tribe:

Envision everyone who is in your life treats you with respect and love.

Affirm It: All of my relationships are filled with respect, love, and companionship. My relationships uplift me and soothe my soul. I am surrounded by people who love and support me. I am loved and respected by them.

Exercise: Make a list of your current relationships (love, family, friends, and work). Write down each person’s name. Next to their name write down how you feel about them, how they make you feel, and if you want them in your life. Be completely honest with yourself & 100% sure because this will work. Trust me on this.

Many blessings to you, Xtina 🦋✨🔮💜