January was an intense month of purging and releasing for me. I am sure you have felt moments of this too. I’ve always been the type of person who always put others first. I have always wanted to help people and that can lead to me to forget about myself, my needs, and my journey.

I’m really being shown how protecting my energy and providing self care for myself everyday will do wonders for me in my life. It will help me stay grounded and centered along with allowing me to stay in tune with my intuition so I can provide guidance for others and hear the guidance coming in for me. Doing this daily practice helps me stay focused on myself, tackling each task one at a time, listening to my body, and pausing/resting as needed.

I listen to Britney Carmichael frequently. In one of her recent videos on her YouTube Channel she was talking about what’s the word of 2021. It took me a little bit to find my word to describe 2021 but it came to me last week. PROTECTION

Finding protection for myself will help me get through this intense purge & release process one step at a time. I honor what I feel and see where it comes from. It helps me heal, purge, and release a lot faster so I don’t have to put my life on hold. I’m learning to say no, set boundaries, and schedule things at a first come/first serve basis to better help me stay organized with clients, my projects, and my life outside of butterfly intuition.

Being a lightworker who is an empath, I find it extremely necessary to protect my energy from the energy of everyone I encounter (physically or remotely), psychic attacks, and energy vampires. Meditation is my saving grace for protection. I find doing a meditation before bed helps me sleep better and keeps me from having intense dreams where I may be vulnerable and have my guard down.

Below are links I use for meditations I use for protection. You may feel guided to use one of them or find one that is best suited for you. I will also link Britney Carmichael’s YouTube Channel below also.

Black Magic Cleanse by Amy Satori: https://youtu.be/nq7px6raypc

Meditation for Releasing Anxiety by Lorrie Ladd: https://youtu.be/gKIlrRCRy_s

Any Archangel Michael Protection Meditation. Michael is the angel for protection.

Britney Carmichael YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChdQTmWPrUVbfGlRLmFpGWQ

Sending you love & light with protection xx

Photo by Comfreak | Pixaby Website


February 2021: Shedding Skin | Transformation For A New Beginning

