February 2021: Shedding Skin | Transformation For A New Beginning

During the month of February, we are all being shown it’s time to shed the skin of our old self. The energy of the collective has been pretty intense. A huge purge and release has been occurring to guide each & every one of us to shed what no longer serves us.

You may be experiencing intense energy and/or fatigue. Your body will react to this release in many different ways. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. Sleep if you need to. Please make sure you are honoring what your body is asking for and telling you so you can seek the appropriate attention especially if you feel sick.

A beautiful soul sent me the song “Shedding Skins” by Fia: https://youtu.be/JRSCCg24Mn0 The day it was sent to me was on the very day I awoke feeling hopeful and free for a new beginning. Listening to that song made me understand I’m shedding my skin - like a snake does but not literally - but was still trying to cling on to the shedded skin instead of letting it go. My old self was trying to cling on to what once was and what can never be again. My new self was resisting this because it has no place where I am at and where I am going.

As I begin February, I leave behind my old skin/self. I embrace and touch my new skin/self. I look forward to beginning my new journey of self, love, and healing.

I hope my “shedding of old skin/self” inspires you in some way. I close out this blog post with a channeled message of guidance for those this may resonate with. If it’s for you it will speak to your soul.

“Do not cling to what once was. Release it. You cannot take it with you. All you can take with you is memories that make you smile and the knowledge you learned from the hard times aka the lessons. Free yourself from the past by taking one step forward. You can do it dear on. I believe in you. Now I just need you to believe in yourself. “

Photo by Image Party on Pixabay Website


Patience + Divine Timing

