March 2021: Self-Care & Self Love

March is bringing shifts into our existence with the Spring Equinox on the 20th.   Spring cleaning is the theme for March.  Preparing your home, space, and energy for spring will help bring manifestations into existence.  Seeds that were planted in the winter are ready to bloom this month. 

 As you prepare for your manifestations to bloom, self care and self love is highlighted.  Taking care of yourself and making sure your needs are met should be top priority.  Giving to yourself before others will help you stay out of people pleasing energy.   You want to make sure you are at the top of your game so you can manifest what you want and avoid any potential depletion of your energy. 

 If you tend to be a person whom everyone comes to for advice and guidance, make sure you protect your energy and set boundaries to avoid being pulled into someone’s drama.  Giving advice and guidance is simply that.  It is up to that individual to either follow it or not.   If they choose not to follow it, you can choose to not to give advice anymore and/or not take it personal.  Unfortunately, you are unable to help or fix someone.  The only person you can help and fix is yourself. 

 There are many different ways to protect your energy.   Wearing or carrying crystals,  essential oils/sprays, meditation, sage spray, saying affirmations are some examples of what I do to protect my energy. Choose a method that speaks to you. Protecting your energy is a necessity with maintaining self care and self love.

 This month you may get a creative burst to start reinventing yourself in some way.  Changing up your appearance, your makeup, your clothes, or just rearranging your home.   You may also get creative bursts when it comes to your business, side hustle, blog, crafting, writing books/music, or how you post on social media to shift from gossip to spreading positivity. 

 All in all things will aligning for a lot of people this month.  March brings new beginnings and the start of something new in love, career, or both.   I am feeling a powerful shift of energy that is going to be moving a lot of people forward.  If you are feeling this energy, go with the flow and go where the universe leads you.  Let your intuition bring forth the guidance.  


This month’s channeled message from spirit is about self care and self love. 

 •Card pull from The Sacred Self Care Oracle by Jill Pyle: 19 Deep Breathing & 2 Alone Time

This month you may feel guided to spend time alone or in meditation. This will help you center and ground yourself. You will then find the clarity in guidance that you were seeking. Water is soothing. You may like to go by a body of water such as a lake river or ocean. Water can also help you heal. You may feel guided to take a detox bath or shower to help cleanse your energy & body. Spend much needed time with yourself getting to know the real you and get familiar with what you truly desire so you can manifest it.

 I hope this message brings you a burst of creativity and hope for the magic that March is bringing. 

 Love and light, Xtina

Photo by unknown (let me know if you know who the photographer/creator is so I give proper credit)


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