Coincidences | Signs | Synchronicities
“Eventually you’ll stop calling them coincidences and realize how powerful you are.”
This quote spoke to my soul. Often times we dismiss or ignore coincidences, signs, and/or synchronicities because they are not aligning to what is happening in the physical world. We live in an instant gratification world that when something does not happen immediately, we begin to doubt and fear it will never be.
Coincidences, signs and synchronicities are sent to each one of you from spirit to show you what energy is being called in by your vibration and to let you know it’s still coming. It may not be coming when you want it to come or in a specific way but it’s coming. When you get caught up on when/how/where, you miss these coincidences, signs and synchronicities. It causes you to allow your ego to come to make you believe what you are seeing or feeling is not true because it’s not physically in front of you.
This is where seeing with your third eye instead of your physical human eyes will help you see and deal with a specific situation in a different light. When you look a situation through your third eye, you are aligned with your intuition. Your intuition is showing you to trust what you intuitively feel or see. Your intuition (gut instincts) is always on point and will never lead you astray. People tend to doubt their intuition. Doubting your intuition can cause blocks, obstacles, conflicts, challenges to form which can lead to self sabotage. To avoid all of this trusting and listening to your intuition is the key to help bring you inner peace.
In my general and person guidance readings and sessions, the message comes through a lot to release the ego and trust the intuition. It’s a lot harder than it seems. It’s a daily practice that you have to do each and every day – especially if you have been in ego based thinking for a long time.
We are more powerful than we realize. We have the ability to create our reality by our thoughts. We are think thought beings and thought creates. What we think, believe, and put our focus comes in our existence. That is what we want and do not want because the universe does not hear “no or not”. The universe gives us what we put out based on our energy/vibration. When we put our focus something we do not want, the universe brings it to us. Imagine what you could bring in if you shifted that focus from what you do not want to what you DO want.
Below are ways I have found effective in aligning with my intuition so my third eye chakra is open and balanced so I don’t miss coincidences, signs, or synchronicties. You may feel guided to use one of them, all of them , or be inspired to find one that works for you – should you choose.
Third Eye Chakra Meditation or Guided Meditations: You can find them on YouTube or Spotify. Check out my YouTube Channel for channels I personally listen to – it’s under my channel tab.
Amethyst: Wear or carry this crystal to help strengthen the intuition throughout the day. You can use this crystal if you meditate. (if amethyst does not resonate with you please use a crystal that calls to you)
Connecting with your spirit guides to help keep you aware and aligned with the messages and downloads they have for you. If you do not know how to connect with your spirit guides and feel guided to learn how, you can find meditations on YouTube to connect with them.
Positive Thinking Practices: Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Vision Board, Journaling, or Mantras.
Love and light xx Xtina
Photo and quote by unknown