We are all think thought beings and thought creates. Our thoughts create our reality. We should always be a vibrational match to our thoughts. That is the law of attraction: Ask. Believe. Receive. Sounds easy? It’s more complicated than meets than the eye.
The key to manifesting is believing what you want can happen. You can think a thought but you must believe it to be true. Doing so can help you take the necessary action steps to start working towards the goals. Believing it’s possible will put a vibration of yes Believing it’s not possible puts out the vibration of no.
The law of attraction is a great tool to use to begin positive thinking but it’s a daily practice. Especially if you have been a negative thinker for most or all of your life. It’s a programming of the mind that you have to change. It will take time.
We live in a society where the internet and social media have made us accustomed to instant answers and gratification. We assume everything should come that fast. Looking up an answer or reading a post on social media is rewarding because you know you will find the answer you seek. However, when you go within yourself, you may not find the answer right away because you may be blocked due doubt or fear. You may be looking at it to come in a specific way from spirit and it could be missed all together.
It’s not easy as a google search and not everything on the internet or social media is the truth. That is where your intuition comes into play. Your intuition will bring you the truth and answers. Your intuition is going to be guide to help you manifest.
What you think, believe, and focus on will manifest. The universe does not hear “ I don’t want that” it hears you want that because your vibration is matching your focus. It’s what you put your attention on.
One of things I came to realize that I had to focus on what it is I DO want. Focusing on what I do want helps me stay a vibrational match to it.
Below are links to resources that I recommend. Feel free to use any of them or comment below if you have tools or tips that are not listed.
Esther & Jerry Hicks: The Teaching of Abrahams:
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne::
Louise Hay:
5D Law of Attraction & Manifestation Video by Elizabeth April: