TarotScope: February 2022

Happy February! Welcome to the month of the love. This month’s tarotscope is love themed for all zodiac signs. Check out what is coming in love for each sign for the month of February below!

Capricorn 12/22-1/19 

Four of Wands | 22 | I am aligned 

You are aligned to your true path. This month you are calling in a love connection. This love connection that is coming in is going to bring you the stability and the excitement that you have been looking for when it comes to love. This love connection could lead to celebration a.k.a. marriage.  Remember that you possess the ability to create your reality. Because you are aligned to your true path, pay attention to your thoughts to make sure you are calling in a love counterpart that aligns to your vision of happily ever after. 

Aquarius 1/20-2/18 

Six of Pentacles | 11 | I am intuitive. 

You are very intuitive. Your intuition is on point when it comes to love. This month balance is going to be restored in your life connection. If there has been some type of conflict or separation, I feel by Valentine’s Day some sort of gift or message is going to come in that is going to bring in healing. An apology is coming in and a strengthening of a love union.  Whenever you see the number 11, pay attention to the thought you were thinking and ask yourself is it aligned to balancing this love connection with your person. 

Pisces 2/19-3:20 

Five of Pentacles | 29 | I am insightful. 

You have experienced some type of heartbreak either recently or in the past. This month you are being guided to heal your heart. Understanding that what happen was meant to show you something and to help you find the way to connecting to the energy of calling in a love counterpart that is more of a vibrational match to you than this person who has broken your heart. You are very intuitive and you can bring in the strength to heal yourself. Use your insight on what you know to be true to help you heal.  

Aries 3/21-4/19 

Knight of Pentacles | 88 | I am wealthy. 

Things are moving very slowly when it comes to love. You are on the brink of a new beginning when it comes to love. Just as your career was slow to take off, so is your love life. But the month of February brings the energy of success and moving forward. By the time Aries season starts, I feel this knight of pentacles will shift into the knight of wands. Your prince or princess is coming. Be patient, be open and be ready. 

Taurus 4/20-5/20 

The Hermit | 15 | I am wise. 

This month you are being guided to take a pause. To take a step back to evaluate what it is you truly want when it comes to love. You are a giver and now it is time to give to yourself. Take what you have learned from past connections to determine what worked and what didn’t work. In deciphering this, you will see a clearer picture of what you want and you will be able to put that into energy of calling in a divine love counterpart that matches your true desire of what love is and what love will bring to your life. 

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

Judgement | 6 | I am nurturing. 

A recent ending of a karmic cycle is bringing in the energy of nurturing. You are healing and nurturing your heart from something or someone that has hurt you. Take some time to heal this month. Do a pause and review to help you gain the insight to the direction you want to go moving forward. Take care of yourself and love yourself often. 

Cancer 6/21-7/22 

Seven of Wands | 3 | I am charismatic. 

Someone is going to find the courage to express their feelings to you. This person has felt deep love for you for awhile. In the past, they have lacked the courage to tell you. But they see you thrive & they can’t bear the thought being separated from you anymore. I feel this is someone who you have not seen or spoken to you in sometime. The wands energy shows they’re going to follow their heart and express  the passion/love that they have for you. 

Leo 7/23-8/22 

The Devil | 14 | I am practical. 

You are in a karmic connection that is teaching you some thing. This karmic connection could be a love relationship, or just a situation that is teaching you to be more practical. When you are more practical, you become more open minded and you find the strength to try something new. Remember you could be tempted by the apple but if you feel intuitively that you should not eat it - then don’t. When you learn what this karmic connection is teaching you, then you will be able to shadow the skin of the old to call in the new.

Virgo 8/23-9/22 

Two of Pentacles | 999 | I am unique. 

You have found the balance when it comes to this love connection. You are learning to surrender and let go. You are thankful of the lessons that you have learned and you understand that love can come to you at any time. It will be with whomever you are destined to be with. Whether it’s the person on your mind or a brand new person, you are open to it. Congratulations on closing out the cycle. You did it for Virgo! 

Libra 9/23-10/22 

Twin Flame | 777 | I am in the flow. 

You have come a long way. There is someone that you are deeply connected to that you long for. You love this person deeply but you have yet to express your feelings. You have the understanding that this is a connection that you have never felt before with anyone else. You are in the flow of your divine life purpose when it comes to career and now you were open to allowing that to flow into your love life. This person connects to your soul in ways no one else has or will. It is time to reach out. Speak your truth. 

Scorpio 10/23-11/21

Eight of Cups | 5 | I am adaptable. 

You are evolving. You are moving forward and you are embracing this new change. You are either in the beginning of a relationship or a new relationship is coming. Your desire for more and knowing that what you seek is seeking you, is going to bring you the result that you desire. Be flexible and allow it to come in when it’s supposed to. Be adaptable to change and always be the change that you seek. 

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 

The Emperor | 10 | I am ingenious. 

The emperor shows me that a strong partner is coming in for you. This person has it together in all ways. This is a new beginning and a new relationship that is on its way to you. This person is a leader and will not be afraid to be vulnerable while expressing love for you. This person will make you feel empowered and will protect your heart. Love is on the way. 

May the month of the February bring you many blessings in love!

If you would like to book a reading, a 1:1 session, or reiki session with me, please book in my Etsy Shop:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/ButterflyIntuition 


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