Tarot Cards: Good, Bad, or Both?

As a child I was intrigued by tarot cards. I never spoke about my curiosity to anyone in my family because I was raised Catholic. I had a couple of family members who became devout born-again Christians. I knew my interest in tarot cards would be not well received. I respected their beliefs enough to keep my intrigue to myself and learn about it in secret.

It was not until I moved out to CA that I really explored this out in the open. I became good friends with a woman who was born & raised as a Pagan. She was a psychic and did tarot readings. She explained to me how readers used tarot readings to tap into someone’s energy. I learned which cards were the major arcana and which ones were the minor arcana.

I bought my first deck and gave myself readings. I was impressed on how accurate it was. As much I really wanted to explore my intuitive gifts further, I decided to put it on the back burner because I knew I was not ready. When I had my spiritual awakening last year, my love for tarot reignited. I found readers on both IG and YouTube that I resonated with. I started buying decks and learned how to connect with my spirit guides. It was then I could fully use my intuitive abilities and am ready to learn how to read tarot.

Now that I am fully committed to learning tarot, I became aware of the controversy regarding a well known figure who decided that the work they have done for years was deemed evil. I was shocked because I had purchased books and decks they published. I may never understand why they turned their back on the work they have done for years to follow another path. I came to realize that it’s not my place to understand. I believe they are doing what they believe is necessary for their life path. Would I want people to criticize me? Nope. I would want people to understand it’s my choice and to let me live my life. For this person I feel the same. I send them love and light on their new life path. I give gratitude for providing so many beautiful decks and books. They have helped me so much on my journey.

So ….this leads me to the question. Are tarot cards good? Are tarot cards evil? There is no right answer to this because it depends on a person’s beliefs. In my opinion, I believe it’s both. It all comes down to the intentions a person has when using tarot cards. If their intentions are good/pure, then getting advice from spirit on love, career, abundance, money, or life path will be the answers they need to move forward. However, if a person’s intentions are bad and are using the tarot cards as a tool to manipulate a situation or person’s free will, then they will bring in bad results. I feel it’s the same when casting spells. Bad intentions create bad results. Tarot can be the same.

Disclaimer: This blog post is strictly my opinion on tarot cards. It is not meant to persuade or discourage anyone. I respect all sides of this subject as I understand tarot cards are not for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Have a beautiful & magical day!

Wishing you all so much love. xx