self care, sacred space, self love Butterfly Intuition self care, sacred space, self love Butterfly Intuition

Self Care Tips To Clear Your Mind, Body, & Soul

Practicing self care into your daily life will help you embody the radiance of self love. Self love and self care go hand in hand. By making the conscious decision to practice self care each and every day, you commit to taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Bringing self care into your life helps you stay grounded and centered.

The way I embody self care is to take time and effort in everything that I do. I take pride in my appearance. I feel when I put an effort into deciding on my outfit, my jewerly, and how I wear my makeup really impacts the energy I put out into the universe that day. For years I thought women who did that were self absorbed. That assumption came from my distorted feminine who was insecure about the way she looked. My upbringing and the way I was treated by my peers in school brought in that energy and made me believe it.

I first started a skincare routine in my early 20s. It was at my mother’s urging telling me great skin is essential. Over the years it turned into a nightly and then night & day routine. I incorporated a morning routine when I had my makeup professionally done. The makeup artist showed me tips and explained to me why taking care of my skin when wearing makeup everyday goes a long way. As I approached my 40s, I kept learning tips for makeup, skincare, switching from perfumes to essential oils, taking baths, mixing essential oils into my body lotion, and putting crystals underneath my pillow & around my bed while I slept became part of my self care routine to feel my best. These routines have paid off because I still get carded and people are surprised when I tell them that I am 44 years old or years young :)

Another thing I learned was being consciously aware of what I put into my body. That was a struggle but it was a wonderful lesson to learn. When I was in middle and high school, I was bullied and picked on by my classmates. It caused me to body shame myself and not see my inner beauty. I would overeat and then drink too much when I became an adult. I noticed it was affecting my body in all different ways. I was tired, bloated, and just felt horrible. I made the conscious decision to get healthy because diabetes and alcoholism were hereditary in my family. I broke the family pattern and became the healthiest version of myself. By the beginning of 2020, I had aligned to my body and would give it only what it craved for nourishment. I was able to identify what stress & emotional cravings so I would fall into old habits. I kept a food journal for awhile to help me understand when i felt good after eating and when I felt bad.

I had joined a gym to help get me into shape but I found I was trying to shift my body into the body of the women I saw on TV, magazines and social media. I canceled my membership in early 2020. I found that walking out in nature was more my speed and I could drop pounds easily because my mindset was aligned to my body. I embrace my body, my curves, and my inner & outer beauty.

Here are tips for you to help clear your mind body and soul:

Healthy Lifestyle. Being consciously aware about foods and overall what you put into your body.

Moving your body Exercise, walking, dancing.

Good hygiene

Taking care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Honoring what you need.


Creating a sacred space


Rituals to help cleanse energy or set intentions such new moon or full moon. (only if you are into that sort of thing).

Creating a beauty routine for morning and night


Vision Board

Crystals, Essential Oils, & Candles for ambiance when practicing self care or winding down from the day

Getting honest with yourself will help you align to what works for you. Find yourself a self care routine that works best with your life and your schedule that will make you radiate your true light & shine bright.

If you would like to book a guidance reading or guidance session with me, please visit my Etsy Shop:

Have a beautiful day! Love and light Xtina

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