Patience + Divine Timing
“Please have patience with the process of diving timing, as many factors, including free will choices, are involved. “
This quote came to me through my Archangel Raphael App. This quote spoke to my soul because it’s a reminder that we all must have patience with the process with our love connections or any area of life. When we are dealing with another person, we tend to overlook the “free will choices” because we want this connection or situation so bad. We become impatient with the person or situation that we begin to doubt. And POOF here comes the ego.
Patience and divine timing are common words said in collective and personal readings. Until you have the understanding of the meaning behind them you may not grasp what spirit is telling you.
Let’s start with patience. Patience means being ok with how long something or someone is taking. Having patience with them or the situation means you trust that if it’s meant for you it will come to you. When dealing with another person, you allow them the time and space they need to decide what it is they truly want. You trust that if they are meant for you in this lifetime, they will come to you.
Trusting goes hand in hand with patience. When you don’t trust, you become impatient and that can also lead to trying to control the situation. A codependency is formed making attachments to outcomes, timelines, and having expectations of the situation or person. When you push against it, you are trying to force it to manifest. You are holding on too tight. Therefore it will not come to you because your vibration is not a match to it. Everyone goes through this at one point in their life. It’s not a bad thing. It’s a lesson that you learn to trust and have patience.
Now let’s dive into divine timing. Divine timing was something that I had to master because it was very confusing to me. The easiest way to understand what divine timing is is that it has nothing to do with a clock and telling time. There is no such thing as a clock in the spiritual realm. Divine timing is everything aligns so that what is meant for you can manifest into your life. Trusting and having patience has a huge factor with divine timing. See how they all merge together.
When you surrender what ego tells you, you let go of fear, doubt, worry, and overthinking along with obsessive thinking that can lead to you telling yourself a narrative that is based on 0 facts. As you go through life, having patience, trusting, and believing in divine timing will help you have faith in what your intuition is telling you. Your intuition is always on point with what it is telling you.
It is up to you to listen to your intuition or listen to your ego. I can provide guidance to anyone who comes to me for a reading or session but it is up to each individual to make that free will choice to follow it or not follow it.
Trust in yourself and in whatever is meant for you will never pass you by.
Photo By: TanteTati on pixabay website