The Lesson Series Part 4 | Doing Your Work On Twin Flame Journey

In this part of the lesson blog series, I wanted to dive deeper into doing your work. Doing your work keeps you on your path, keeps you moving forward, an allows healing to occur.

I will give you a detailed example of what I mean by doing your work by sharing my own experience from my twin flame journey:

Work Assignment From Spirit: Aligning with my life purpose and mission work.

After I walked away from my DM, I searched for the reason why. I wanted to know why this happened and what it was showing and teaching me. I first found tarot readers who spoke about twin flames. As I watched their videos and read their posts, I became fascinated with the tarot and oracle cards. The spreads were beautiful and so were the messages they were bringing forth. I also found myself getting my own personal messages when I would look at a card spread. Decks that I purchased years ago were pulled out of the box. I started pulling my own cards for questions that I had. My mind went back to time when I wanted to write a blog that would bring guidance to people. In April of 2019, I had that nudging feeling from spirit that it was time to start my blog and page. That is when my Butterfly Intuition was born. As I posted daily I would get nudges from spirit to add more content. I finally started offering personal guidance readings. I felt at peace. I knew this was my life purpose and mission work. The joy and satisfaction that I received from clients was amazing and 100 times better than any experience I had with the customers that I serviced in my day job. I had always wanted to be appreciated and now I was .

Realization From Assignment From Spirit: Being an intuitive reader was what I was born to do. I had finally found what I was meant to do. The signs were always there throughout my life but I ignored them. My gifts went dormant until my DM awakened them by coming into my life. I found myself and my purpose. I’m in bliss :)

Once I had this realization, my life changed for the better. I trusted my intuition and told my ego mind to hit the road jack. I was free and in union with myself. I was home.

I hope my personal experience inspires you to do your work and come into union with yourself. I can help you along your journey if you feel guided to. My links are below. If not I hope you find the help and whatever you need on your journey of union with self.

Photo by: Joanna Kosinska

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