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Empath Series Part 3: Boundaries

In the final installment of my empath series, setting boundaries the essential key of being an empath. By setting boundaries in all areas of your life you protect yourself from being affected by people’s energy. You are able to function in every day life and not be afraid to out in crowds with large groups of people.

Setting boundaries can be established in many different ways. I will go over the ways I set boundaries in all relationships of my life - professional and personal.

Professional Relationships:

Relationships in a work place environment can be a slippery slope. Whether you work in a corporate office setting or a retail store setting, you will encounter different types of people who have very different personalities. It can be challenging dealing with all types of people especially if you have customers coming in and out of your work place. Grounding yourself before work will help tremendously. Doing a morning meditation when you first wake up will ground your energy. Wearing crystals such as black obsidian or black tourmaline will keep you from being affected by negative energy.

When working with the pubic in a retail setting can be challenging because people forget the people that wait on them face to face or speak to them over the phone are humans just like they are. They have feelings just like they do. It’s important to not let their negative attitude and energy affect your day. Smile and be kind - no matter what so you can resolve the issue to the best of your ability. Remember they are human so they may be having a bad day and are in low vibration so they choose to take it out on someone else.

When working in a toxic work environment, there are a few different ways to handle this. Avoid drama and gossip because that drains your energy. Always have a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult co-workers. Detach emotion and answer their request in a professional response getting the task done as quickly as possible. Keep your opinion to yourself and don’t judge. When you judge a co-worker and start degrading them by calling them stupid, rude, etc, you actually take on their energy. Accept them for who they are and what they bring to the table. You are a team and not everyone works the same. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Be the strength in that situation by doing your job and you will feel amazing. The energy shifts and you stay in high vibration. Keep crystals on your desk to ground yourself. Black tourmaline, black obsidian, citrine, selenite, rose quartz, and amethyst.

Personal Relationships:

Relationships in our personal life need to have boundaries so you are being taken advantage of and being drained 24/7. The first step is to stop being a people pleaser. When doing things for people, only do things for people because you want to - not because you feel obligated or allow them to manipulate you. Make sure the people around you raise your vibration and have intentions that are for your highest & greatest good. If you have not read part 2 of the empath series which covers how to deal with energy vampires, please read it. It will help with family members and friends who drain you.

Putting yourself first gets you out of the people pleasing energy. By putting yourself first you get out of the energy of putting yourself last. What you want out of life should always be the forefront of your mind. Living your life to the fullest and manifesting your dreams should always be priority #1.

Setting boundaries starts with a choice. You make the choice to set boundaries and commit to doing it everyday so it becomes part of your daily routine.

I hope you found the Empath Series helpful. Wishing you a beautiful & magical day/night.

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