Opening Up My Heart To Spirituality

Growing up in a catholic family can be extremely challenging. I should know because I grew up in one. I made the decision when I was in my early 20’s to find my spiritual path and moving to California was the first step.

I found myself.  It took 18 years but I did it. I aligned to my spirituality. I opened myself to my psychic gifts in 2018 and spent the last 5 years aligning myself to a spiritual path and business. In this blog post I will talk about how I am opening up my heart to spirituality and learning to align my psychic gifts to what I still believe from growing up catholic.

The first thing I would like to say is there is no wrong spiritual practice or religion. It is whatever you think it is because spiritual practices & religions speak to your soul. There is a good side and a bad side to all spiritual practices and religions. It is all about the intention behind what you believe and how you practice. Finding what spiritual practice or religion speaks to your soul is what is needed.

Forget what you were born into or taught for a minute. Ask yourself what do you believe now. You may still resonate with what you were born into or taught, you don’t resonate with it at all, or you are in the it’s complicated vibe like me. What I am doing is taking how spiritual I am now and remembering what still resonates with me from my catholic background. Thinking about what I love about both while staying true to who I am now.

Your spirituality shows you what your spiritual beliefs are. If you are not sure, that is ok. It will come to you and you just need to be open to it.

We are all being shown to connect to ourselves and to go within to find the answers. Going within will bring you the answers that you seek about spirituality. When you look outside of yourself that is when you can get confused. I’m not a fan of organized religion because of what I saw as a child makes me feel like I need the freedom to take how I can incorporate my spiritual practice and religious beliefs into my being now. I want to be alignment with my life purpose which will continue to include my spiritual business doing readings and coaching.

I want to make it my own. That is what I do with everything in my life. I always put my own spin on it. I’ve never been one to follow the crowd. That probably has to do with being an only child. I always found creative ways to entertain and play. I never felt alone because I felt someone was playing with me. As a child I thought they were imaginary friends but now I know they were probably my spirit guides and angels.

Finding your path to your spirituality and having it be true to you is what will feel right.

How will it feel right to you?

Let me know in the comments below ✨🦋


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