Obsessive Thoughts: How & why we have them?

Obsessive thinking typically comes from the ego mind. The ego mind brings in fear and doubt into your thoughts when something is not happening how you envisioned to happen or not as quickly as you had hoped. Your ego mind will start telling you stories about yourself, a person, or a situation that are simply not true but you will find yourself believing them anyways.

This behavior is typical in twin flame connections that are in separation with little to no communication. When there is no movement or progress in the 3D/physical world, this will happen. Your ego mind will make you doubt if union with your person will ever happen.

Why do these obsessive thoughts happen?

Disconnect/separation from your twin flame: meaning you are not speak or seeing each other so you doubt if they will ever reach out or comeback.

Fear and doubt that you will achieve union: you allow your thoughts to create stories as to why union will never happen.

Not trusting the process or having faith that this will all come together: you don’t have faith in divine timing.

Co-dependency and too focused on your person along with outcomes: you are overly focused on what your person is doing, thinking and who they are with. You try to control the outcome and try to force the connection to happen before it’s ready.

Not doing your work: means you don’t listen to your guidance and are only focused on your person.

3 examples of obsessive thoughts:

Example 1: You can deal with separation from your twin flame but you have a lingering thought in the back of your mind that you just can’t away from.

Typically this thought means you have doubt that separation will come to an end and something seems off in your connection. Trust what you feel because your intuition is always right. It’s telling you something. Maybe its not time for union because you and your person are still healing/doing work or one is not. Whatever it is - it must be dealt with. You can use guided meditations or journaling out your feelings to go more in-depth. The answers are always within you.

Example 2: I try to focus on moving forward by dating other people. It never feels right because my heart and mind always comes back to my twin flame.

This thought of not feeling right is your intuition telling you it’s not the right time to date and your focus should be on yourself. There is healing work that needs to be done and you may need to do it alone. Never date another person to forget about your twin flame for 2 reasons. 1. You will never truly forget about your twin flame because you share a sacred bond that will keep you connected to them. 2. You will attract a karmic partner to show you the lesson all over again.

Example 3: I’m never coming into union with my DM because of _______. (Typical reasons are they are in another connection (karmic, soulmate,etc), they are unawakened, or your reasoning is negative based such as negative words, name calling, or hate.)

This thought sends negative energy to your twin flame and it repels them from coming towards you. If union is what you truly desire, then your thoughts must be aligned with your desire. You must have positive happy thoughts towards your twin flame that keep you in high vibration. You must heal any negativity, anger, resentment, sadness and heartbreak that you have your towards your twin flame. Forgiveness is a must so you can let go of the past. Remember forgiveness does not excuse their words, behavior or actions but it what it does do is free you of holding onto the past.

3 tips on how to retrain your brain to put obsessive thoughts on the back burner so your main focus is thoughts that you keep you aligned with your desires and staying in high vibration.

Tip #1: Ask yourself if it’s true.

Do you know for a fact if it’s a true? If you are a twin flame in separation/no communication, you have no idea what they are thinking or doing so why go down that rabbit hole when you don’t have the facts. Even if you did ask them there is no guarantee that they would tell you the truth or reply to your message. When it’s a no the conclusion is you don’t have the facts so its simply a fear based thought.

If its a yes let’s say the thought is my twin flame can’t be with me because they are married. You know for a fact that is true because they are married. To avoid going down that rabbit hole you must accept it for what it is. Your twin flame is not available so the best thing to do is move on and wish them well. Don’t try to stay in their life and please don’t be the other woman/man. Please respect yourself enough to walk away. You know if the roles were reversed you would not want another person throwing themselves at your twin flame.

Tip #2: Trust and Have Faith.

If you truly want your twin flame to return and come into union, you must trust the process and have faith. You don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, what your person is doing & thinking, they don’t know what you are doing & thinking, and what the divine has planned for you. Allow it unfold naturally and trust in divine timing. Remember there is no such thing as time in the spirit world so it can be as fast or as slow as needed in your connection.

Tip #3: Retraining Your Brain. Methods I used personally to retrain my brain to think positive thoughts. They are only suggestions.

*You understand that the twin flame journey is not solely about coming into union with your person. That’s part of it. It’s mostly about coming into union with yourself so you break any co-dependent behaviors and align yourself with your mission work/life purpose.

*You understand that not everyone is a twin flame. I believe that is something you will know intuitively when you meet them. No one can confirm or deny that either - never pay someone for that service. No one is God. Once you meet your twin flame you understand what needs to be fixed and union of self is what matters most.

*You understand that your twin flame as the free will choice to decide to do their work, come into union with themself, and then come into union with you. Just as you do.

*You understand you and ONLY YOU can fix what needs to be fixed in your life. You take responsibility and ownership of your own actions and thoughts. You must do your work that are you being guided to do.

*Limit how often you get personal readings. You must understand that these readings energy based so they are based on how your person is feeling. They may or may not act on what the cards show. Decide how often you should get a check-in because the energy changes daily. Purchase from readers who you resonate with.

*Limit how many general readings you watch and read. They can get you stuck if you are hearing the same message and don’t see anything in your connection. They are addicting and obsessive. Keep in mind they are not meant for everyone so not everyone general reading will be for you. Make sure it resonates - meaning it will sound like the reader is speaking directly to you. If you are trying to make it fit then it’s not for you. Use your intuition to know if it’s for you and if you should click off.

*Law of Attraction: Learning how to attract and manifest with your thoughts. Ask Believe and Receive. You ask, you believe you already have it so you don’t fixate on outcome, and receive it when its time. I prefer the Teachings of Abraham by Esther & Jerry Hicks.

*The Work by Byron Katie is something i started doing recently.

*Louise Hay affirmations and books.

*Your vibe attracts your tribe. Stay in high vibration you will lose low vibration people and attract people who are more like you.

*Don’t be a people pleaser. Do and say things because you want to not because you feel obligated to. Choose and put yourself first always.

*Practice self care and self love everyday. Take care of yourself mentally physically and emotionally. Tools to use meditation, detox baths, affirmations, crystals or essential oils.

As you practice your thoughts will change over time. You will not listen to that obsessive thought because you will replace it with another thought. You will replace My DM will never return with My DM will return when he makes the free will choice to do so. Then you can go back to focusing on yourself and your day.

This blog post is a written channeled message from a YouTube video I recorded for my channel. It was requested by a client who is a IG follower. This message is not intended to tell anyone what to do. I’m no expert. I used to be an obsessive thinker so I am providing guidance and advice.

Video link: https://youtu.be/c4U3X55JhU4


"We Are In This Together" | Yes & No


Empath Series Part 3: Boundaries