New Moon Forecast: Opening The Door To 3D Consciousness

The new moon in capricorn is bringing in a powerful energy of change. The collective is being pushed towards the new: THE NEW YOU - THE NEW WAY OF THINKING - THE NEW WAY OF DOING THINGS. The collective must begin the descent from the 5D to 3D consciousness. Doing this will be the only way to truly understand why something hasn’t happened.

It is so easy to get wrapped in 5D thinking and getting caught up in the fantasy. The mind is a powerful part of our physical body. It can be a master manipulator because there are 3 different parts of the mind.

  • Mind Chatter

  • Ego

  • Intuition

The mind chatter is the constant talking you hear every waking moment. Your mind never quiets down but you can learn how to control the volume and the narrative that is being spoken. The way you do that is not allowing your ego to take over. Allow your ego to speak but allow your intuition to tell you what is true. Your intuition is that small voice that gives you the first thought, instinct, and action. It is when you start to doubt, become indecisive, second guess, go back & forth, overthink, and become fearful is when your ego comes in with the mind chatter to sway you away from your intuition

How do you control the way your mind goes? You take control by imagining yourself holding a remote control. Much like a remote control to a TV you control what is on, what you listen to, and the volume it is on. When your ego and mind chatter come in full blast, you can switch the channel to your intuition. For when the ego and mind chatter are coming in full blast after you made an intuitive decision, use your remote to lower the volume or turn it off.

Connecting to your third eye chakra keeps you in touch with your intuition. Allowing yourself to be in 3D consciousness is where you need to be to manifest. You are a human being having a human experience. To bring something or someone physically into your life means you must manifest from a 3D mindset. That is why the collective is being pushed away from being attached to the fantasy. Getting lost in the fantasy keeps you away from reality.

This was something I had learn on my own journey. I always ran away from my problems and any conflict. Going to the 5D fantasy was easier because it felt safe (inner child wound). I could visualize so hard on how I wanted something in the 5D where the fantasy felt so real that I thought it was real. When the 3D did not mirror up to this, I would spiral. I had to learn from inner child healing and learning how to shift from 5D to 3D consciousness. Learning how to fully surrender and be ok when things did not work out for me. Learning to when to attach and detach in a healthy way.

Once you switch from 5D to 3D, you will begin to see people and situations clearly for what they are and not what you want them to be.

On this new moon focus on your relationships with others and yourself. Get real and honest with yourself by asking these questions - keep a journal of some sort for the answers.

Questions for you to ask yourself about relationships with others:

How does ___________ make me feel?

Do I want this __________ physically in my life?

What action steps do I need to take with this person? (this is where you will decide to work on it or let go of the person)

How will this action step serve me in the long run?

Am I a vibrational match to ________?

Questions for you to ask about your relationship with yourself:

How do I feel about myself?

What do I like about myself?

What do I not like about myself?

What do I need to change about myself?

What do I need to do to give to myself?

By getting real and honest with yourself will get you into that 3D mindset where you will be able to set intentions on this new moon from your physical self.

What intentions are you setting for yourself? Drop a comment below to let me know 🌑🤍


Going Back To The Beginning


Detachment & New Chapter