Empath Series Part 1: Energy Vampires| Protect Yourself, Protect Your Energy
My life purpose is to help people. I have always had that inkling to help people even as a child. People are naturally attracted to me to ask when they need help. It happens wherever I go. I put out the vibe that I have an inner knowing and can help people. I love being able to provide guidance for my family and friends as well as provide intuitive guidance from spirit for personal readings & general collective readings I channel/post. Over the years I have learned to offer guidance with no expectation in return. It’s like the saying “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink”. If the person follows my guidance that’s wonderful. If they don’t I hope they find their way a different way or come back for more guidance if they feel called to. Along the way I realized I am an empath. That means I can pickup on anyone’s energy by being around them physically, talking to them via text, phone call, email, or DM on social media. I can instantly tell what someone’s mood is so I will intuitively know how I should act around them. I can tell if someone is being truthful or not.
I am starting my Empath Series to give guidance on different topics to help my fellow empaths on what we will experience during our lives. I will start my series with the biggest struggle I had which constantly made me reject my gifts because I didn’t understand how to keep myself grounded and trust my inner knowing. Energy Vampires!
Energy vampires are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them. They are almost incapable of seeing things from another person's perspective. They often lack empathy.-Psych Central.com
Energy vampires are all around us. They love to feed on the energy of empaths. They have a sense of entitlement and are narcissistic. They will come to you over and over again for advice They will never listen to the advice and repeat the same cycle. They will never take blame for the things they do and will never see the other side of the story.
I would like to share a story of a former friend of mine who is an energy vampire whom I had to cut the cord with. She always had the tendency to follow my lead and at times it was “single white female” (if you don’t know the movie. Look it up and watch it). I always had an uneasy feeling about her but I was unawakened at the time so I ignored my intuition. I thought she just needed someone to look up to for inspiration because of her childhood.
When I started my twin flame journey, she started following some of the readers I was following and decided she was a twin flame too. I can’t confirm or deny if she is a twin flame. I intuitively felt the guy she wanted to be with was not her DM. I felt he was a karmic partner who was helping her break the cycle of her broken relationships so the one she is meant to be with can come in. I wanted to guide her to her true purpose. Every time she blew up my phone with text messages about him, I gave her guidance and advice on how to detach from the co-dependency she had on him so she could ascend into her true calling. After a few months of this repeat cycle I was worn out and stressed. I had no motivation to work on myself because I was spending all of my time and energy with her.
I signed up for a seminar on how to connect with my spirit guides. After that seminar I discovered that while she praised me for being an amazing friend and soul sister, she was talking negatively about me behind my back. I really wasn’t surprised because I remembered how she spoke negatively about her family and other friends. I remembered how she blamed them for the problems she had with them so why would I would be an exception. My guides showed me that it was time to cut the cord with her and put the focus back on myself so I can do my inner work. I sent her a message explaining that I could no longer help her because I needed to focus on myself. I then said the affirmation I wish her well and mean her no harm. I asked the divine to remove her from my life and align me with people who will benefit from my guidance and advice.
I asked my guides for assistance on how to protect myself and energy from her and others like her so I could stay grounded. Here are some tips that I have learned to keep myself grounded: Carry/Wear Black Obsidian, remove myself from any situation where I feel uncomfortable, pay close attention to who I allow in my personal circle, and ask the divine to connect me to people who I can help with their ascension and persoal growth.
Well my magical butterflies I hope you enjoyed part 1 of the Empath Series. Subscribe to my blog or follow me on IG/Facebook/Twitter to get notified when I post a new blog. Feel free to email or message me with any general questions you may have.
If you need assistance that requires me to tap into the energy of your life or situation, please book a personal reading with me through my Etsy Shop.
Wishing you so much love xx