Empath Series Part 2: Mental Health | Stay Positive, Stay Happy
Maintaining good mental health is key in being an empath. Empaths are super sensitive to all energy that is all around them. It’s so important to protect yourself so your mental health is not affected in a negative manner.
There are a few different ways to protect your energy to maintain positive mental health:
High Vibration
It is essential to stay in high vibration as much as possible. It can be difficult at times because someone’s energy can change your mood at the drop of a hat. Finding a system that keeps you in high vibration is very important. The system I found that works for me is wearing a black obsidian bracelet everyday, being aware of my surroundings so I can pinpoint whose energy I am picking up when I feel a sudden mood shift, use my intuition when dealing with someone physically or digitally so I can decipher their motives by simply tuning in to their energy, ask myself when I feel my mood shift suddenly (example: from happiness to sadness) if this is my energy or someone else’s, and ask for protection from Archangel Michael. You can use the system I use or find one that works best for you.
Setting Your Limits
You know better than anyone the sensitivity level of your empathic gift (s). Make sure you always set your limit around others. Put yourself first and do what you can for others at your own speed and time. Set a boundary between yourself and others. Boundaries are 100% necessary when dealing with people.
Understanding What Your Empathic Gift Is
Empaths have special intuitive gifts since they can read people’s energy easily. Once you understand what your gift is, it will align you with your mission work. Mission work can be a variety of things that tie into helping people such as the service industry/retail, charity, volunteer in community, law enforcement, military, EMT, firefighter, and politician.
Discovering what your intuitive gifts are. I have discovered my gifts are I can read tarot and oracle cards intuitively for people, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentinent, and connect with my spirit guides and angels.
Please use this link to see the full list of psychic abilities: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_psychic_abilities
I hope these tips and information help give you a better understanding on how important good mental health is needed in the life of an empath.
Keep a lookout for part 3 of the empath series where I will go into full depth on boundaries.
Feel free to message me with any questions for advice on being an empath, your life path or twin flame. journey.
Have a magical day xx
Photo by Samuel Silitonga