Root Chakra: Staying rooted and grounded on your journey.
Often times we can get stuck with moving forward in life. The reason that can happen is because fear takes over. Fear of failure. Fear of things not working out. Fear stems from ego, being attached to an outcome, being attached to a person/situation, being attached to a timeline, and /or having expectations. Being aware of when you are stuck and committing to grounding yourself will help you balance and open your root chakra.
Your root chakra is the base chakra. It is located at the base of your spine. I envision this chakra as tree roots coming down from the base of your spine until they touch the ground. This chakra is designed to keep you grounded and stable.
When your root chakra is open and balanced, you will find it easy to move through life. When it is blocked or completely closed, you will find it difficult to move forward and can become stuck. Below are some tips on how to keep you root chakra open and balanced.
Meditation: finding root chakra meditations or guided mediations can help you open and balance this chakra. You can find free ones on YouTube or Spotify.
Mantras: saying mantras can help you raise your vibration and heighten your intuition so you can stay focused on what you want to manifest into your life.
Color: red is the color of the root chakra. Wearing the color red can help you boost the energy you need to open and balance this chakra.
Crystals: using any red crystal or really any crystal that calls to you such as garnet, red jasper, ruby, carnelian, hematite, black obsidian, tigers eye, and black tourmaline.
Moving your body: dance, yoga, walking out nature, and practicing self care such as pedicure/manicure/bath/shower.
Staying grounded will help you align your body with being firmly on the ground moving forward.
If you would like to hear more about the root chakra please click on the link to view my video on the root chakra in my chakra series on my YouTube Channel:
I do offer a Chakra Guidance Reading that is a pre-recorded 45 minute guidance reading for the 7 chakras. Please click on the link to visit my Etsy Shop to book:
Love and light, Xtina. Have a beautiful day night or afternoon!