The Divine Masculine Journey: Becoming The Emperor

A divine masculine is an energy that I channel. I channel the divine masculine as he or him but a divine masculine can be a man or a woman. Everyone has both divine feminine and divine masculine energy. Always take it as it applies to yourself and your journey.

The divine masculine will go through many spiritual awakenings throughout her/his life. These awakenings occur to help bring forth lessons, guidance, and shifts. They are designed to help you move forward on your journey to align to your life purpose and true path. In this blog we will explore the journey of the divine masculine.

The divine masculine’s journey is his own individual journey. It can be complicated and have many layers like an onion. Right now as I am writing this blog post, I am feeling the divine masculine is experiencing a spiritual awakening on his journey.

The reason I feel that is because there is a big percentage of divine feminines who are further along on their journey than their divine masculine. i also have been channeling a shift within the divine masculine collective. The divine feminine usually awakens first and is why she is further along on her journey. I believe that once the divine feminine awakens & lets go, she shifts in her energy. This shift does something to the divine masculine she is connected to. When she shifts her focus to herself, he feels it. She becomes her focus and he becomes his focus.

This shift does something to divine masculine. Divine Masculines are a crossroads at their journey and may be at the beginning of an awakening. He is realizing something about his divine feminine. He sees the error of his ways. He may have deep regret, anguish, resentment with himself over decisions he has made in the past. There is a sense of heartbreak over things he has said and done to hurt her that caused a separation. This is a heavy energy coming through. He can’t handle what he has done. That’s part of his lesson. He must learn how to forgive himself, his divine feminine and anyone in his life. Divine Masculines must learn to be authentic. Much like the divine feminine he must deprogram from beliefs, patterns, and thoughts along with people and situations that do not resonate anymore.

I do believe the divine masculine’s journey can be more difficult than the divine feminine because he resists what his heart is telling him. Divine feminines are more heart oriented where the divine masculines are more mind oriented. Divine masculines can shut down the heart space and stay in the head space to stay in the masculine energy. This is to put focus on other things in the material world such as work. Over time the masculine will have a moment where he will surrender to healing where he can open his heart.

The best thing a divine feminine can do is to always have empathy, understanding, and compassion for her masculine. it helps him awaken on his journey. When she can forgive him - even without him ever apologizing - he can then forgive himself. Divine feminine and divine masculine are a mirror to each other. He becomes the emperor when she becomes the empress. Show him the way.

Below are tips for divine masculines who are struggling on their journey:

  1. Ask yourself is my life complete. Do you have everything you have ever wanted or is there something or someone that is missing? What or who is missing? How can you change that?

  2. How does this relationship make me feel? This should be asked for all relationships to gain the clarity on how a relationship and person truly make you feel.

  3. What is your heart saying? Tune into your heart space and to hear what it is saying. Surrender your fear to hear this.

  4. What speaks to your soul?

  5. Am I on the right path?

  6. Is she/he the one?

  7. Who do I want to be? How can I make a difference?

I do hope this blog brought you clarity and guidance for the divine feminine journey.

If you would like to book a guidance and session with me, pleas click on the link to my Etsy Shop:

Have a beautiful day night or afternoon. Love and light Xtina


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The Divine Feminine Journey: Becoming The Empress