Tarotscope: Monthly Guidance | September 2021

Each month I will be offering a monthly tarotscope on my blog for guidance for all 12 zodiac signs. This can apply to all areas of life. Just like my general collective readings, please only take what speaks to your soul & what does not speak to your soul, release it and let it fly.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19 

•Tarot Card: 7 of Cups 

•Spirit Animal: Horse 

•Angel Number: 1010 

 •I am patient

You are in deep contemplation. You are looking to free yourself from a situation that no longer serves you. You are finding the best solution on how to free yourself. “Keep your thoughts positive and be patient as everything is working out for your highest good trust that your angels are working behind the scenes to help you.” (That is the message on the affirmation card) You are protected. You are strong.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18 

•Tarot Card: 4 of Wands 

•Spirit Animal: Gorilla

•Angel Number: 16 

•I am perspective 

You are celebrating a milestone. It could be a birthday or some type of promotion. This milestone is bringing you peace because you have a new perspective when it comes to life.  The guidance for you this month is to keep moving forward as big things are coming. You got this! 

Pisces 2/19-3:20 

•Tarot Card: The Chariot 

•Spirit Animal: Goat 

•Angel Number: 28!

•I am a leader 

There is movement forward for you during the month of September. You are finding that when you rely on your intuition things become easier. Relying on your intuition also brings you the power to become a leader. You lead your life in the manner in which you desire. This new cycle is coming for you with this movement forward. Keep going! 

Aries 3/21-4/19 

•Tarot Card: 10 of Wands 

•Spirit Animal: Chameleon

•Angel Number: 26 

•I am tactful 

You are beginning a new journey. You are understanding that in order to begin this new journey that changes necessary. You are adapting to change and a very positive way. You are being tactful by listening to your intuition. You know that you will be able to succeed because you are embracing this new change. This new change is your thoughts, your perspective, and your actions moving forward. 

Taurus 4/20-5/20 

•Tarot Card: 10 of Pentacles

•Spirit Animal: Armadillo 

•Angel Number: 66 

•I am positive 

By staying positive you are embracing a new beginning. You have an unconditional love for yourself which is radiating out into the universe. I feel very strongly that you were going to manifest a new love partner. This left partner is going to bring you the happy family that you always dreamed about. 

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

•Tarot Card: 9 of Swords 

•Spirit Animal: Fruit Bat / Flying Fox 

•Angel Number: 777

•I am in the flow. 

Be kind to yourself. You are the end of a cycle that could be painful. The key to getting out of the cycle in finding the lesson along with the happiness, is to go with the flow. Surrender what keeps you up at night. Surrender what you don’t understand. Allow the clarity and the guidance to come in this month. It will help you close the cycle once and for all.

 Cancer 6/21-7/22 

•Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles

•Spirit Animal: Elephant 

•Angel Number: 21 

•I am inspiring 

You are holding on too tightly. There is something that wants to manifest into your life but you are not allowing it to come in. Trust. Trust may be an issue for you. If it is you are being guided to take leadership. To inspire yourself to trust is to know that this new beginning is coming. You have manifested it and need to allow it to come in on its own terms. 

Leo 7/23-8/22 

•Tarot Card: High Priestess 

•Spirit Animal: Dog 

•Angel Number: 000

•I am a creator 

You are the creator of your reality. Be your own best friend and create. You have the power to change whatever is troubling you. Listen to your intuition. You may need to open or balance your crown chakra to allow the messages to come in. You are  holding the pen of your reality and decide what he would like to create.

Virgo 8/23-9/22 

•Tarot Card: 2 of Swords 

•Spirit Animal: Orca 

•Angel Number: 31 

•I am disciplined 

There is something you are not seeing. Your fears have blindfolded you to the truth. Be more disciplined and listen to your intuition. Listen to the crows around you. Listen to the songs that you’re hearing. The song listen to your heart is telling you listen to your heart before you tell him/her goodbye. There is something you are not seeing and there is something he/she wants to tell you.

Libra 9/23-10/22 

•Tarot Card: 3 of Swords 

•Spirit Animal: Seahorse 

•Angel Number: 8 

•I am successful 

There is something heavily on your mind. There is something you have done that has caused heartbreak. Whether it’s heartbreak to another person and/or to yourself, you long to bring in an apology. You are afraid to move forward because you are not sure if you will be successful. There is never a guarantee that this person is open to hearing what you have to say but speaking your truth from the heart will set you free. 

Scorpio 10/23-11/21

•Tarot Card:  7 of Wands 

•Spirit Animal: Wolverine 

•Angel Number: 17 

•I am independent 

You have the confidence in the fierceness to move forward. You are very independent and you know what you want. Get grounded in tune in to your higher self. Solar plexus chakra may need to be balanced in order for you to get the messages to help you move forward. Once it’s about passion. Follow your passion and listen to your heart.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 

•Tarot Card: Ace of Cups 

•Spirit Animal: Beaver 

•Angel Number: 33 

•I am expanding 

You have been working on yourself. A deep rooted healing has been taking place. Because of this healing and love offers coming in. You have been expanding and you are ready to open your heart to it a true love counterpart come in. The number three shows me you have a wind mind body and spirit.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s tarotscope. May the month of September bring you many blessings. If you are interested in booking a guidance reading or session , please visit my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ButterflyIntuition

Have a beautiful day night or afternoon. Love & light Xtina


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