Twin Flame Journey: Confronting The Bully
Disclaimer: Anything I have written and will write about the twin flame journey are based on my own personal experiences and channeled messages that I receive from my spirit guides. My intention is to share what I intuitively feel is important to the collective of people I channel for. It will either speak to your soul or it will not. I believe the twin flame journey is a beautiful experience that is designed to help a twin flame find themselves and align to their true life purpose.
The twin flame journey is the wildest ride you will ever experience. Only true twin flames will be able to handle the ride., It is not for everyone. Which is why I believe wholeheartedly that a major shift is happening within the twin flame collective. When I began my twin flame journey back in 2018 and my psychic gifts were awakening, I felt the energy of thousands of people in the collective I was in. Now 3 years later in 2021, I feel the energy of hundreds of people. This can be a variety of things. True twin flames are making their choice - to either stay on the journey and go in a different direction. The ones who are not true twin flames are choosing their true path. Basically everyone is aligning to their true path - which is beautiful.
I have felt a shift in my own twin flame journey. The last few months have been a wild ride for me. I have learned so much about myself and what I will & will not put up with. I learned how to communicate with myself open and honestly. I saw patterns that were previously unseen and blocked. When the fog lifted, I was open. 100% vulnerable for the first time in my life. It was uncomfortable but extremely necessary. I was pushed hard by spirit to speak up and stand up for myself. I was pushed to confront the bully. Confronting the bully shoed me to be the authority figure in my life. For most of my life I allowed bullies and other people to dictate how I should live my life. My twin flame journey showed me to speak up and be my authentic self. It made perfect sense to be the authority figure of my life because my DM is an authority figure in his life. I saw him in a new light and how similar we were. Just different situations but the same lessons.
I went back to the day “it all went down” between us. I asked myself why did it hurt? Why did he trigger me that day and the days after that to the point that I shut down & turned off my feelings? Why did I walk away and always looked back? Why is he the one I can’t forget? Why am I always reminded of him everywhere I go? The answers came in pieces but I have put them all together. I now see he mirrored a part of me that needed healing. I needed to heal this part of me and become whole. He showed me the way to self love. I have found self love. True union with myself. It is not easy to get into union with self and stay there but it can be achieved. I am so in love with myself that I put myself first each & every day.. I just know that good things are coming for me. I am open and ready to receive them. I am so empowered by this new chapter of my life. I am one with my intuition and will never doubt it again.
I learned so many lessons and things about myself that it has given me a new perspective on everything. When the eyes are completely open and unbiased, people, situations, & things ae shown as they truly are not as we want them to be. I see the twin flame journey as a beautiful butterfly that takes a long time to emerge from the cocoon. Twin Flames get a bad rap where people say it’s evil or a cult. It is not. That is someone’s perception based on their choices in life that did not pan out the way that they hoped or are listening to the wrong people instead of listening to their intuition. It is a beautiful life experience. I can speak on this based on my personal experiences, the twin flames that I have personally worked with on a one on one basis, and the twin flames that I have the pleasure of calling friends.
I will speak more openly and more frequently on twin flames because I feel my experiences and knowledge that I have learned can benefit & teach people. We are teachers because we are forever the student. There is so much information on twin flames on the internet, books and social media. I believe we all should take in what feels right for us individuals. No 2 twin flame journeys will ever be exactly the same - they may be similar but different.
Ask yourself these questions on your twin flame journey anytime you feel confused, frustrated, or just need clarity/guidance.
How does this connection make you me feel?
What are our current circumstances showing and teaching me?
How can I show up for myself today?
What do I need to work on on my journey of self, love, and healing?
I do hope this blog brought you clarity and guidance for the divine feminine journey.
If you would like to book a guidance and session with me, pleas click on the link to my Etsy Shop:
Have a beautiful day night or afternoon. Love and light Xtina