Tower Moments

Through out our lives we will experience tower moments as we ascend and move on from relationships and situations that no longer serve us. Tower moments happen when we are not following our inner guidance. The universe will step in and make a tower moment happen so we are forced to see what needs to change in our lives.

it is very important to really look at the part of your life where the tower moment is happening. Looking at it will give you clarity on how you feel about this situation and what you need to do to change it. At that point it is up to you to follow the guidance to change the situation. If we continue to ignore what needs to change, then the tower moments will continue and we repeat the same cycle. We will stay stuck in a dead end jobs or a relationships that do not serve us.

If you are stuck in a situation or relationship and have had a tower moment., please know it is going to be alright. These tower moments are nothing we can’t handle and are just hard lessons on what we need to change. The universe is showing us what no longer serves us so we can release it and allow what is meant for us to come in. Change can be scary but it’s necessary.

Throughout our lives we will change during our life path journey. Think about it….you are not the same person you were in HS or 10 years ago. People come and go in our lives. Interests come and go in our lives. It’s all part of the circle of life. Let these tower moment show where you need to take your power back. Ask the universe for help on moving forward and strength.

This past week I had a huge tower moment in an area of my life that I need to change. I have known for sometime that it no longer serves me and is a toxic situation. I have been trying to leave it. I thought I was putting enough time and energy on it. Turns out I was not focusing as much time and energy on it. This tower moment helped remove the cobwebs from my eyes and see this situation for what is. I also was shown how toxic one person. I am fully aligned to leave this situation for something better. I realized I needed this tower moment to get me aligned and show me why I was uncomfortable around the toxic person. In the past this person wore a mask but my intuition always told me never to get close.

Everything happens in our lives for a reason. It is meant to happen to teach us a lesson and helps us ascend. Never be afraid when life throws you a curve ball. It is meant to show you where you need to change your life. xx

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