Crown Chakra: Opening Your Mind To Endless Possibilities.
The crown chakra is the crown jewel of the chakras - no pun intended. This chakra is the portal to the thoughts, messages, and downloads that come to you from your higher self, spirit team, spirit, god, universe, whomever you resonate with.
Your crown chakra will activate when you have a spiritual awakening. It happens that way to help you open up to a new way of being and thinking. Your mindset will change, your entire life will change if you allow it tol. The key is to know how this chakra functions and how to keep it open and balanced.
The crown chakra is your consciousness -physical 3D & subsconscious 5D. Being consciously aware of your existence, knowing that you the have the power to create a beautiful life for yourself. Your thoughts create your reality. Being self aware of your thoughts by trusting what you intuitively feel will bring you the power of manifestation.
When you are not trusting, fearful, and more in a negative/low vibration/toxic head space, your crown chakra can get blocked. When it’s blocked, you will not receive the messages from your higher self, spirit, spirit team, etc. You will not listen or follow your intuition and can get stuck in situations and make ego based decisions. Being able to overcome what could potentially block the crown chakra is key. Below are some tips on how to keep the crown chakra open and balanced:
Stop believing negative or limiting beliefs about yourself
Energy healing work such as reiki
Opening your mind up to endless possibilities and solutions
Cleanse your space your soul, your mind
Create your own spiritual self care routine
If you would like to know more about the crown chakra, please click on the link to view the video I made on this chakra in my Chakra Series:
I offer a Chakra Guidance Reading in my Etsy Shop. It is a 45 minute pre-recorded reading on the 7 chakras. Please click on the link to visit my Etsy Shop:
Love & light, Xtina Have a beautiful day night or afternoon