28 Day Clean Mind, Clean Body Detox - Week 4


In the book Clean Mind, Clean Body: A 28-Day Plan for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Self-Care, it details a 28 day detox for a clean mind & clean body. I was very intrigued by it and decided I was going to do this detox If this something that interests you, view the book here

I finished week 4 on 7/14/24 but life got the best of me and this blog post was put on the sideline. During this challenge I realized how much my full time job takes up my time and energy and I have been working on balancing my life to make it a small part of my energy.

Week 4 was an eye opener for me. I had to hit the reset button for this week. Changing my eating habits made me realize that changing the way I move goes hand in hand. When you can find a better way to move, you commit to a positive mindset. There is no physical suffering and I was able to find a more efficient way to move my body. Keeping it limitless.

Hitting the rest button helped me discard everything that I know. No pain no gain was a phrase that I said for years. It never worked for me and I decided it should not have to hurt to get into shape to shed some pounds. I looked back at all of the times I lost weight. I never had a workout routine or gym schedule. I was happy in my life and just moved naturally.

A few months before I started this detox I did rejoin a gym. This time I would not allow myself to get sucked into the classes and personal training. This time I would be my own trainer and let my body tell me what I need to do in the gym to get me to my goal.

My goal after this 4 week challenger is simple: get into a heathy version of Christina where I love myself to the point of always wanting to look at myself in the mirror with love and confidence. Accepting my physical body is an expression of my mental and spiritual state and the choices I made. I will make better choices of what I say to myself and will treat my body like a temple. I am a goddess after all.

By being my own trainer I become my own cheerleader. I don’t need to pay someone hundreds of dollars to cheer me on. I did that for years a long time and it never worked for me. Being my own cheerleader will help learn how to improve the self talk and through the mirror exercise I plan to look at myself everyday until I LOVE what I see.

That is a feel good body goal:

Love looking at myself will help bring in the confidence I need to stay positive.

It keeps my vibration high, my stress level down, and my cortisol level down.

The gym is a place I was always insecure. I am starting small by focusing on cardio on my favorite machine - the elliptical. I have morning exercises I do when I wake up. I bought a new yoga mat to do resistance band workouts at home.

For the entire week 4 challenge, I documented my daily exercise and found myself walking about 30 minutes each day. I know I could do more especially since I sit at a desk the majority of the day.

This entire 4 week detox has truly been an eye opener for me. I read 2 books during this detox: Peak Mind by Amish P Jha that taught me how to control when my mind wanders & All is Well by Louise Hay & Dr Mona Lisa Schulz that reintroduced to the beautiful work of Louise Hay.

If you have any questions on this detox or the book, please feel free to reach out to me by commenting below or emailing me privately.

Many blessings to you, Christina Marie 🦋


28 Day Clean Mind, Clean Body Detox - Week 3