TarotScope: October 2021
Happy October! Tarotscope is for sun moon rising or Venus. Take only one speaks directly to your soul and what doesn’t, release it and let it fly.
Capricorn 12/22-1/19
•Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
•Spirit Animal: Beaver
•Angel Number: 999
•I am unique
This month you are being guided to lay a solid foundation for what it is that you want to start or start over in your life. You have learned valuable lessons over the past month and a cycle is closing. Mercury in retrograde has really helped to close this cycle and to get into the energy of what it is that you desire most. New beginnings are going to happen for you in October. Getting ready to begin again. Reset. Refresh. Renewal.
Aquarius 1/20-2/18
•Tarot Card: 2 of Pentacles
•Spirit Animal: Rhinoceros
•Angel Number:333
•I am powerful
Balance is being restored to you this month. You are able to overcome an obstacle. Change is here. You are really being called to use your spiritual gifts if you are a light worker. If you were not you were being asked to trust your intuition. To align your mind body and spirit to allow action steps to be taken this month.
Pisces 2/19-3:20
•Tarot Card: 6 of Wands
•Spirit Animal: Flamingo
•Angel Number: 15
•I am wise
This month you are being guided to follow your heart. You are in between cycles. You are either closing a cycle this month or you have closed the cycle. Things are going to gain momentum this month. I feel more towards the end of the month when Mercury goes direct. Take the wisdom that you have learned into this new chapter of your life.
Aries 3/21-4/19
•Tarot Card: 3 of Cups
•Spirit Animal: Stag
•Angel Number: 33
•I am expanding
There is a celebration of some kind happening this month. This could be a divine masculine coming into your life. This divine masculine energy could be a person from the past or a brand new person. This divine love connection that you are in or involved in energetically is expanding. So expect some type of coming together in the month of October.
Taurus 4/20-5/20
•Tarot Card: 2 of Cups
•Spirit Animal: Wombat
•Angel Number: 0
•I am limitless
To manifest a love relationship requires you to be at home and at peace with yourself. You must start over and start fresh. Being limitless means you believe there are endless possibilities to have a slow relationship can come into your life. Having zero expectations and allowing things to unfold naturally is key. Don’t try to force anything to happen before it’s ready. All is aligning for your highest and greatest good.
Gemini 5/21-6/20
•Tarot Card: Page of Swords
•Spirit Animal: Porcupine
•Angel Number: 1
•I am innovative
You are being guided to begin again. It is time to go back to basics and get back to the root of the problem. If you can look at this problem from a different perspective. Focusing on a solution instead of focusing on the problem, this is going to help you resolve this issue so you can have a new beginning. Something has come up for you during mercury in retrograde that is helping you clear this energy once and for all so you may have a new beginning.
Cancer 6/21-7/22
•Tarot Card: 4 of Wands
•Spirit Animal: Horse
•Angel Number: 28
•I am a leader
Follow your passion this month. You have the freedom to go in any direction that you choose. I feel this pertains heavily to career. If you are unhappy in a career or work situation, please know that you have the power to change the situation any time that you like. You are a born leader and it is time to take leader ship of your life to listen to your heart. Follow the beat of the drum of your heart and go where it’s leading you.
Leo 7/23-8/22
•Tarot Card: The High Priestess
•Spirit Animal: Squirrel
•Angel Number: 555
•I am optimistic
Change is here. You were about to experience a major shift in your life in the month of October. Believe in yourself and believe that what is meant for you is coming into your life. Stay optimistic and keep your thoughts positive in order to allow the shift to manifest.
Virgo 8/23-9/22
•Tarot Card: Temperance
•Spirit Animal: Seahorse
•Angel Number: 18
•I am kindhearted
You have done a kind gesture recently. Spirit is saying for you to wait as something comes back in the form of pay it forward. Your kind hearted gesture is bringing you good karma and something to reward you for your good deed.
Libra 9/23-10/22
•Tarot Card: 7 of Cups
•Spirit Animal: Coyote
•Angel Number: 26
•I am tactful
The sun is going to shine again in your life. You have experience a detour. It could be an injury or simply a setback financially. You will be successful because your drive is always going to help you move forward. This setback is helping you get connected to your higher self. To previously see things that your ego tricked you into believing. There is a situation that weighs heavily on your mind. The seven of cups is telling you it is not too late to make this wrong right.
Scorpio 10/23-11/21
•Tarot Card: The Empress
•Spirit Animal: Parrot
•Angel Number: 5
•I am adaptable
You are going through a rebirth any new beginning. The parent warns you to watch your words. To speak from your heart and to think before you speak. Volume down filter up is what I’m hearing. You have a big change coming so you are being guided to be adaptable to this change. Allow this empress energy to bring you this new beginning that you have been asking for.
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
•Tarot Card: Page of Wands
•Spirit Animal: Mouse
•Angel Number: 16
•I am perceptive
This month you were being guided to look at things from a different perception. If you are dealing with another person or a group of people, in order for you to understand the bigger picture you may be required to look at things through their set of eyes. You have a very overactive mind that can be your worst enemy at times. When you use it to the best of your ability you are able to feel into a situation or a person to find out where they/it are at. Let your intuition be your perception and your eyes.
I hope you enjoyed this month’s tarotscope. May the month of October bring you many blessings. If you are interested in booking a guidance reading or session , please visit my Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ButterflyIntuition
Have a beautiful day night or afternoon. Love & light Xtina